Politics? What do you think?
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Tennesseelogman wrote:
exploding bones does not kill a person. the brain shuts down usually due to lack of oxygen - but this is caused by a bunch of different things. i think the common discussion refers to "what resulted/lead up to in the death", not the technical final cause
Live long and prosper
God_of_War wrote:
Let's just call it what they all really are...

There is only 1 true way to die; the lights go out and never turn back on.
Hi there!
Dima wrote:
Its ok, i got his Point. And i agree with him covid was a Bit overblown, too much panic.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
God_of_War wrote:
Ah yes, I'll make sure to let my friends and co-workers whose parents have died from this that it was overblown. 

Hi there!
Dima wrote:
its bad that some people lost relatives due to virus, but nonetheless i think its overblown, dont make too much drama around this. People think that the virus is dangerous, only cuz the media keeps telling it 7/24.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
God_of_War wrote:

Ignorance is bliss isn't it

Look, I get it, 99.9% of people "survive" but do you actually think that is acceptable? It should be 99.999% to be "near" acceptable. Those extra digits could be the difference between 7.4 million deaths and 74,000 deaths.

But it's okay cause those people old anyway, right? We don't need old people anymore. Pass down that inheritance grandpa. Your time of working your whole life to get to retirement is OVER. /s

Comical that this is under Trump topic too. The guy who says it is no big deal, yet received treatment that nearly no one else on the planet can receive. Maybe it was crisis actors going to the hospital in their place like the right says of all these actors being shot at mass-shootings. Yeah, that must be it. Nothing but actors and the symptoms and treatment were nothing but Fake fake fake
Hi there!
dough_boy wrote:
 COVID itself hasn't killed anyone, it just overwhelms the body and other things ultimately kill the person.

So they would have died w/o COVID of the same causes? Where are you going with this comment?

That COVID doesn't ACTUALLY kill. Everyone is scared of a virus that for the vast majority of people (98%+?) it doesn't cause problems. 

Yes, you can say Cancer, HIV, allergies kill (or don't kill), but do you run around hiding from them? Hell, Flu can kill (lost a high school buddy), but does that stop people from living their lives? Fine, wear a mask and socially distance, but there is no reason to shut things down. California is the most restrictive (and has been) in the US (as far as chicken little), and yet it accounts for over 11% of the infections. Something tells me it isn't working.
dough_boy wrote:

Ignorance is bliss isn't it

Look, I get it, 99.9% of people "survive" but do you actually think that is acceptable? It should be 99.999% to be "near" acceptable. Those extra digits could be the difference between 7.4 million deaths and 74,000 deaths.

But it's okay cause those people old anyway, right? We don't need old people anymore. Pass down that inheritance grandpa. Your time of working your whole life to get to retirement is OVER. /s

Comical that this is under Trump topic too. The guy who says it is no big deal, yet received treatment that nearly no one else on the planet can receive. Maybe it was crisis actors going to the hospital in their place like the right says of all these actors being shot at mass-shootings. Yeah, that must be it. Nothing but actors. Fake fake fake
I have lost someone to COVID too. But I still do not believe that because 1 person died we should do what we are doing. Then the question becomes...at what point do you think it should be ok? THOUSANDS die every year from Flu. We don't shut down for them. Why the difference with this virus? The vast majority of spread is now in person homes (like the couple who died getting a haircut from their daughter). The US will never be able to pull off what China did.
God_of_War wrote:
 COVID itself hasn't killed anyone, it just overwhelms the body and other things ultimately kill the person.

So they would have died w/o COVID of the same causes? Where are you going with this comment?

That COVID doesn't ACTUALLY kill. Everyone is scared of a virus that for the vast majority of people (98%+?) it doesn't cause problems. 

Yes, you can say Cancer, HIV, allergies kill (or don't kill), but do you run around hiding from them? Hell, Flu can kill (lost a high school buddy), but does that stop people from living their lives? Fine, wear a mask and socially distance, but there is no reason to shut things down. California is the most restrictive (and has been) in the US (as far as chicken little), and yet it accounts for over 11% of the infections. Something tells me it isn't working.

How about we do California population at 98%... 80,000 deaths. Not too shabby.. except that isn't all of cali, that is only Los Angeles based on 4MM population. All of California would be 780,000 deaths at 98%. Of which, you are okay with?

How about we just make a law that says, if you test positive for Covid, we just go about 1940's Germany and instead of kill the weak and diseased, we just continue to let them die? Would that make it easier to deal with this? Maybe this comparison was too right'ish? I don't know anymore, you tell me what is acceptable.
Hi there!
God_of_War wrote:

Ignorance is bliss isn't it

Look, I get it, 99.9% of people "survive" but do you actually think that is acceptable? It should be 99.999% to be "near" acceptable. Those extra digits could be the difference between 7.4 million deaths and 74,000 deaths.

But it's okay cause those people old anyway, right? We don't need old people anymore. Pass down that inheritance grandpa. Your time of working your whole life to get to retirement is OVER. /s

Comical that this is under Trump topic too. The guy who says it is no big deal, yet received treatment that nearly no one else on the planet can receive. Maybe it was crisis actors going to the hospital in their place like the right says of all these actors being shot at mass-shootings. Yeah, that must be it. Nothing but actors. Fake fake fake
I have lost someone to COVID too. But I still do not believe that because 1 person died we should do what we are doing. Then the question becomes...at what point do you think it should be ok? THOUSANDS die every year from Flu. We don't shut down for them. Why the difference with this virus? The vast majority of spread is now in person homes (like the couple who died getting a haircut from their daughter). The US will never be able to pull off what China did.

Except it is not 1 person dying, it is 300,000+ Americans, with a year that doesn't even count "excess deaths this year' compared to prior years which exceeds another 250,000? So are we already looking at half a million deaths? All this death and complications when MOST people are staying home already. Just imagine if people were not staying home. Do we forget that the vast majority of older Americans and even many younger Americans are simply not going out already as it is? Yet we are still having all this death keep adding up?

In comparison, the FLU on a nationwide has hospitalizations (not deaths) of approximately 450,000 a year. So compare this to the FLU all you want, but this is WAY WAY WAY worse than the flu.
Hi there!
God_of_War wrote:
Also, I don't want anyone to think I'm making up anything. Also, I picked Fox News on purpose as for some ridiculous reason, all other news outlets are considered "fake". So using trustworthy material here.

December 22, 2020. "this would mark the largest SINGLE YEAR percentage leap since...... 1918. Ironic year to compete against.

October 22, 2020

This is May 15, 2020 - late warning, ignored

This is Dec 16, 2019 - This one is superb. Was fox news freaking out over 1,300 flu deaths among 2.6 million Flu illnesses that year. 2019 was rough

Hi there!
Dima wrote:
Look. I dont care about Corona. If u do its finde, But dont push it on me. The thread is about Trump and america and i Happy when people answer
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
dough_boy wrote:
I only watch CNN...so can't comment on the "Fake" aspect of it.

True, I have been following this for over a year now (well before most in America had even heard of it). At the end of January last year when I heard the first case of community spread had been confirmed in the US I told my wife we were f**ked. We can't pull a China. The Federal Government is limited in what they can do, ultimately it all falls down on individual states. Which sucks because where I live my state "locked down", but the one that is 10 miles away didn't.

With a hodgepodge/patchwork of policies unfortunately it is what it is.

Ultimately there is no real answer to how we get out of this.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
america will get what many people (maybe or maybe not the majority voted for. we are waiting to see how georgia will go no the senate.
Live long and prosper
God_of_War wrote:
america will get what many people (maybe or maybe not the majority voted for. we are waiting to see how georgia will go no the senate.

If it goes full Democrat. I guarantee I will be as hard on this administration as the last when it comes to screwing things up (IMO) and on policy decisions. :) 

But if Mitch blocks everything like a child, then, same crap, different day.

Also, if Trump and family have to face charges from NY or anywhere else, then they shall see their day in court just like any of us would if we broke the law. The same goes with Hunter Biden too. If he broke the law, or any other congressman, governor, etc... same rules should apply to all.
Hi there!