my newest creation, tell me what you think.
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Cireon wrote:
Adding some impassables might do the trick too. It is interesting you want a map like this and that's ok, but I think regions in this map are a bit useless now. Changing the map like bishop said would work, but adding some simpler changes like one or two rivers or mountains might reduce the full connectivity this map has.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Cireon is online.
marcoxa wrote:

Text Added
Circles Added
Mountains Added
River Darkened

Vexer wrote:
Your mountains show that you have the talent to make them right but they aren't right.

Many of them remind me of a witch hat. Too many of them are tall and there isn't enough height variety... i know there is some variety already.. i guess what i am am trying to say is that too many of them are too steep. Very few, if any, mountains are that steep.
Thorpe wrote:
Alien landscapes might be though and this does not look like any land I have ever seen in this world!

Got to start all over...hehe
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Cireon wrote:
The mountains should blend in a bit more, my eyes are continuously attracted by it.

I think the connectivity is a lot more interesting in this version though. There are only two things that I don't like know with the mountains:

First of all, you have split up some regions with your mountains. The yellow and orange territories are not connected with each other within their own region. You could do two things to fix this: change the mountains or change the regions. If you want to change the regions, you could split up the yellow and orange regions in three new regions:
A: Ge, Neroplaet, Wovi, Viba
B: Ferel, Demi, Tohemi, Nupaci
C: Numica, Benjago, Indenta
You could choose to combine B and C into one bigger region or add Liy to C, but I am not an expert in gameplay, so you have to think about that yourself or ask somebody with more experience.
If you are going to change the mountains, you could probably best remove the mountains north of Viba and put the south and remove all mountains west of Neroplaet.

Secondly, I don't like dead ends in maps very much. They are easily defendable, but play no real role in the gameplay I think. It could be more interesting if the connection line from Teque would go to Viba instead of Indenta and if the connection between Frenadom and Gino was restored.

That's how I look at the map currently, I don't know about the others. The mountains look great, so good job on those!
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Cireon is online.
marcoxa wrote:
yes i know the mountains need more work but i wanted to be 100% on the placement before i went any further.

what about:

change Viba to red
change Ferel, Demi, Tohemi, Nupaci to a new region
change Liy to yellow

would that be good?
Matty wrote:
The only problem that would give is australia - the red region would only have one border.

You could fix that by making one of the island connection lines to a different territory.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
marcoxa wrote:

Mountains blended (still working with them more)
Territories changed. (mini-map update to come with finished mountains)
Region added
Connection line from Poje moved from Ge to Wovi

Fendi wrote:
Its a nice start but there are a few things..

- Personally, I think there is too much dead space in the background and the land looks like its been squeezed together, there is little air.

- It looks like you have used the same texture on the land that you have for the background, its nice with simplicity now and then, but maybe add a few more?

- I know you want to go for the 'old map' feeling but maybe the colours are a bit pale? And some are really blending in with the background, like the orange at the bottom and the yellow at the top.

- The territory labels are very big, they are taking up the whole map..

- Although you have improved the mountains I still agree with Vexer, they are too steep. They are also standing out a bit, not as much as your last mountains, but perhaps try blending them in some more, especially the ones at the way top?

I am not entirely sold when it comes to the game-play but maybe thats because the land has a cramped style over it.
marcoxa wrote:
i really don't want to ramp up the colors, if i do that the map will start to look unnatural and loose its feel.

i could try making it smaller but i worry about the font making it harder to read. what do other people think about this?

i can play with some more textures as well.


Mountains blended (still working with them more)
Territories changed. (mini-map update to come with finished mountains)
Region added
Connection line from Poje moved from Ge to Wovi"

so as you can see, i know i'm not done with them yet but i wanted to play with the blending part for now because the new mountains will take a bit and i did not want to spend to much time on the update.

Vexer wrote:
It would be nice if the regions were distinguished better. Like fendi said, the colors are too pale. Can you think of an additional way to help distinguish the different regions? perhaps outline their borders with a darker version of their color? Or distinct textures for each region?

Fendi is also right about the font for the territory labels. Too big. The mini map is also too big. It's so big that a new player may at first mistake it for more land and not a mini map.

I don't have time to look at the game play so I thank matty and cireon for commenting on it.

@Cireon. you don't know what to do with dead ends in an increasing cards game? If you can't kill a player for their cards, you can protect them so that no one else can kill them. Just block them into the dead end.
marcoxa wrote:

Region lines darkened
Background texture added
Mountains Changed

Mini Map Update and Text Re-sizing will come in the next update.

Matty wrote:
I absolutely love the change in the background, the colours look so much better on it!!!

Even though I like your avatar, I think it looks weird on a map like this (as signature).
I mean, whether this map is carved in rock, or painted on old paper, a space-styled text make it look really cheap.

Whenever your text is over some of the region/territory borders, it has a different colour. Looks a bit weird to me.

The colour and shape of the mountains are improved alot, but the shape can still be better I think.

Your center islands have (nearly) the same colour as the region below, which makes me think its the same region (I know its not for the old minimap).

I was a bit meh about this map in the beginning, but its really starting to get very good!!!
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria