my newest creation, tell me what you think.
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Vexer wrote:
Fendi says she doesn't think the map is ready so I guess you are waiting to hear from her Marcoxa.
Fendi wrote:
This map has come a long way, there are however a few issues that I think should be taken care of..

- The background in my opinion is too saturated, which gives the whole map a "glowing" sort of feeling despite it being so dark and some of the colours you have chosen for the land look washed out and bland while the purple and pink look saturated which add to the "glowing" sort of feeling.

- The mountains to me look like a mess of lines, I'm sorry, I know you have worked hard on them but they are not working out for me because I get the feeling that the mountains you have drawn are transparent. You need to erase some lines here are there to make them look more clean and to give them the accurate perspective.

- Others have already mentioned the connection lines and that they should be dashed, I won't say much more other than I agree with what has been said.

- To me, the river is still too wide and draws more attention to it than it should it get, there is also a line at the opening that should be removed.

- The text I feel is taking too much space and I believe it will become unreadable if you made it any smaller due to the style of it, could you perhaps try a different font and see if you could find anything better.

- The bridge needs more work because right now, it's a bit blurry and too smudged at the ends.

I also agree with everything that has been said about the mountains their colours.