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The_Bishop wrote:
One connection has been changed from the original. Corsica-Naples should be Corsica-Milan for having the same map.

The style is much more better than the original for me. But I think Matty is right about the stains of light. It can be a good style, maybe that effect just needs to be reduced a bit.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
The font is nice and well readable.
It is a bit big, though im not sure it thats because of the font. But the whole map looks a bit stuffed with text and circles.

The outline is alot better, not pixelated at all.
At some points its a bit thin though.

I dont really see a difference in shading¿?

Overall a nice update!
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
Fendi wrote:
The lines look better, but if people still have a problem with them, then it can easily be fixed in photoshop.

I honestly dont see much difference between this and the previous version when it come to the brightness. The dark areas on the background paper are still too dark (according to me).
The difference between Spain and south France is more noticeable.

I agree with Matty about the text. It is more readable, but its taking up too much space.
And some of the labels are too close to each other, making it look like they are one word. For instance the 'Vly' in E.New Vly (south Egypt) looks like it belongs to el-Bahr A. S.New Vly needs to be moved a few pixels down so that it doesnt look like it belongs to the territory circle over it. I think Kirklareli (Turkey) should be moved up so that its territory circle is under it. 

@ Paddlin and everyone else. I chose to draw the lines like that because they are based on reality. The countries of Africa were pretty much divided up with the help of a ruler when the colonization took place. Much like the US. The short messy lines came afterwards, when people started to go into war because they wanted more land.
Vexer wrote:
I'm with fendi, i think you need to reduce that opacity of your dark shading layer on the background.

I see that you went back to the original font. I'm actually not really a fan of that font. It's an old font and it's hard to get clear text with it. And about the text being crowded, you should choose a font that is readable at a smaller size. For example you could try Lucida Casual CE at size 11.


The border is still not anti-aliased. I repeat this again because you didn't either acknowledge the problem or fix it in your last post.

Also, the connection lines were much much better in the original. I can make new connection lines for you using the same settings in a matter of minutes if you want.
Pntbttr wrote:

Bad font
Bad connection lines

@Vexer what do u mean the border is not anti-aliased? I thought u meant the country borders...
Vexer wrote:
no I meant the map border. zoom in on it. All of those dark marks are just one color. It's too sharp. It needs some anti aliasing so that it doesn't stand out so much. Use methods similar to what you do to make your outline smooth to make the border blend better. But not blurry, keep it sharp. Try this: copy the layer into a new image. Resize to 400% using the bilinear option. Then resize to 25% using the Best Quality option. Then paste it back into your image.
Pntbttr wrote:
...u mean the small lines that r around the edges?...that's part of the texture...
Vexer wrote:
- Fixed the border
- new connection lines
- touched up some parts of the outline that were bugging me
- adjusted the shading layers to address everyone's concerns


The text will be redone with a new font and size but first the new names will get put into the system and this image uploaded so that I can export the names from the database and copy and paste instead of having to retype all the names. Then I will present a few options for the font.
Matty wrote:
I like the changes, but I still think spain could be a tad bit more purple.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
Leedog wrote:
Map looks better!

1. Found it a little confusing on Cypress and Lebanon text placement.

2. Why does Palestine have a country in the map, while they don't have a recognized one in real life... shouldn't that area be Israel?
Pntbttr wrote:
Should I change it? I'm not sure why I used that name...maybe the map I traced originally said that...
Vexer wrote:
Palestine was used because pntbttr didn't draw Israel. He drew Israel + West Bank + Gaza Strip all lumped into one territory. It's not right to call it Israel when there is already a better historical name that refers to that whole area, Palestine. The word Palestine here is referring to the region of Palestine and not the State of Palestine, which is as you said, not recognized by the UN.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine

And don't worry about the rest of the text. I am going to redo the text and try out different placements, sizes and fonts and let you guys decide which is best. Cause right now the text makes the map too cluttered.