Like World Classic but one more territory for Australia.
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Vexer wrote:
i know this isn't exactly what you wanted but is this whale better?

I tried doing using the outline effect but it just looked too fake.
Thorpe wrote:
Nice...a lot better and you are right not what I wanted ...but you know....

I will work...does it need to be smaller?

The more I look at this map the better I like it...just looks real good!

Nice job on the add-ons!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Matty wrote:
Hmm, I agree with TheHannibal, the old one was better I think
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
i also like the old one better. i'll try again someday to improve the old one. It's good enough for now.
The_Bishop wrote:
Nice looking map!

But I'm not sure to like how this World map has been modified from the original one. If I had to make a modified World map probably I wouldn't have added any territory to not ruin the count of 42 that is pretty good.

The gameplay seems to be the same of World Classic, just removing the unfairness of the 1 border region. But still Australia is a large dead-end easy to defend, and it causes problems to set fair capitals with more than 6 players.

Very similar to World Classic, so similar that finally I prefer to play the first one, just because it is so... classic!
And if you look at the stats it's around 50 v 5000 games per month.

If I had to make a world modified map I would have connected Australia and Madagascar like it is in World Expanded; we can say a tested scheme! This will give to Australia 2 borders and 4 territories like South America is.

At this point Africa would deserve a +4 and a "medium" +3 bonus will be missing. But then I suggest another change, to split Asia in 2 regions with +3 and +4 as bonuses.

Like This (click to show)

With Bonuses:

Still people can recognize it like the world classic map, but the difference in gameplay are more significant and more interesting in my opinion.

I also have ready suggestions for capital placements different from world classic for every number of players. So that also for capital players this map will result to be definitively different from the classic one.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Vexer wrote:
I still think the current version has it's place and use.

Your suggestions can be made into a world modified 2. Although I think it would be better if Ural was part of the lower asia region because that would make the upper Asia region easier to defend and leave a hard to defend region in lower Asia were a player can hide and survive and get cards.

Since the world map is so popular I think it's ok to have a few options.

Just beware, if someone makes a map using your suggestion but it doesn't get played at least as often as world modified then it will get dropped. Our design is to keep a short list of popular maps instead of a long list of maps no one plays on. I know of another site with dozens of world maps and it's just a mess of crap and takes too long to find a decent map to play on. That's not what we want here.

But if the map is a success then we have one more popular option.
Hoodlum wrote:
favourite multiplayer world map settings (click to show)
One of the world map settings I miss playing from way back in the day were these ones.

8 players / ascending cards (exactly same as here) and open links.
*This was the most played set up for competitive ladder players

World Modified map is cool although I don't play it that much but it is the closest to what reminds me of my favourite multiplayer game (8 players) setting that I use to play way back in the day (real time), probably because of the Philippines addition. It always just reminds me that it would be cool to have those other links that I use to play. A classic Modified series would be neat though, where you could pick the same structured physical map with modified connections by selection in the create game mode. If that were possible, this set up would be my wish list.

Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
@Hoodlum - Your favourite world map has 47 territories falling in the forbidden range. By the way it's interesting for having an average region size a bit larger compared to world classic. We have few or no maps like that. I also suggested one really.

@Vexr - Ural as part of Northern Asia doesn't seem to be geographically logical. It would help the defensibility of the North but it would ruin the defensibility of the South.

I really would like to try my proposal. But the problem is what is graphically required. My draft has been made just taking World Classic adding 15% opacity layer with pure blue and pure yellow to create 2 Asia's. But if I have to make a new map with different colours and textures then I would find hard to do that.

I have also changed the title as "World Non Classic" that would be cool in my opinion, or in my pc it's saved as "World Reformed", or even "World Modified 2.0" would be nice following Vexer's suggestion.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Matty wrote:
I don't often say it, but I disagree completely with His Eminence here.

I love world modified because it's just world classic but then more fair.

Your proposal would, in fact, ruin the perfectly good region of Africa, completely change the idea of having a region to walk around in (Asia).

There are plenty of maps that have the gameplay that you want. No need to create another one just because it has the outline of the world classic map.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
You are right Matty: World Modified it's just World Classic but more fair.

I agree with:
There are plenty of maps that have the gameplay that you want.
But I don't agree with:
No need to create another one just because it has the outline of the world classic map.
I mean my point is: I tend not to play World Modified because is too much similar to World Classic, theoretically an improvement but the great most still play the latter.
My proposal is 2 small changes that make a significant difference in gameplay, getting a world map looking like the World Classic but in fact much more similar, as gameplay, to the most of maps of the site.
The idea is that it may draw people from World Classic to the "World of Maps" passing through a middle version.

There's nothing bad on people always playing W.C. but it's something a bit disappointing for the mapmakers to see thousands of people cannot find anything better than always play that map. World Modified as it is, even if an improvement from the classic, it didn't change the trend.

But following Vexer's guidelines probably is better to start a new one rather than modify this one. Then I suggest "World Reformed" as name -- "modified" sounds more like a small change, "reformed" sounds more like a great change. But I wait to start another thread because if I cannot find a graphic interested to realize it, then it will never occur. So at the moment it's just talking...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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