Yes, you understood the way bonuses & additional bonuses & sections work absolutely correctly. Also the explaination is very clear and correct! good work!
right now i am trying to implement the changes. before i continuw with the mini maps, i have two questions:
1) i made my map 1024*855, if i do it 1024*1024 then it will look like this:
there will be no room for enlargement of minimaps. and if i enlarge them, then only in one direction and this will make them look stretched.
i could stay with the current 1024*855 and try to use the same space, but just re-arrange the minimaps internally among themselves, so that they dont look stretched & still can be recognized. also i can use different coloring for the borders of super regions & sections, the same way you did it in your example.
give me a bit time to play & try.
PS: i could pit the mini maps at the bottom, beneath crimea, circasia and hungary, but it will make the whole image more stretched along the south-north axis amd the players will have to scroll even more. maybe the mini maps can remain at the side, but i could try to re-arrange them.
Edit: I could turn the map around, so that the mini maps will be on the bottom. it will look something like this (i didnt turn the mini maps, its just to get the idea).
Yes, you understood the way bonuses & additional bonuses & sections work absolutely correctly. Also the explaination is very clear and correct! good work!
right now i am trying to implement the changes. before i continuw with the mini maps, i have two questions:
1) i made my map 1024*855, if i do it 1024*1024 then it will look like this:
there will be no room for enlargement of minimaps. and if i enlarge them, then only in one direction and this will make them look stretched.
i could stay with the current 1024*855 and try to use the same space, but just re-arrange the minimaps internally among themselves, so that they dont look stretched & still can be recognized. also i can use different coloring for the borders of super regions & sections, the same way you did it in your example.
give me a bit time to play & try.
PS: i could pit the mini maps at the bottom, beneath crimea, circasia and hungary, but it will make the whole image more stretched along the south-north axis amd the players will have to scroll even more. maybe the mini maps can remain at the side, but i could try to re-arrange them.
Edit: I could turn the map around, so that the mini maps will be on the bottom. it will look something like this (i didnt turn the mini maps, its just to get the idea).
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"