House Map - In progress
  • 83 posts
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Vexer wrote:
How about this DS,
Territories adjacent to the same hallway can attack each other.

(modified shamelessly from the words on the panama map)
Glanru wrote:
I was thinking more like this:

Hallways provide territories adjacent to the hallway a direct connection in the house that would otherwise be labeled as territories themselves or impassible areas. They provide visual distinctions between territories in that region and are designed solely for game play purposes as real hallways (and houses for that matter) are more likely to be arranged differently. Do not let this explanation deter you from using hallways, just be cautious as several territories connect to them and misguided troop movement may turn to blunderous results if the proper precautions are not taken. Utilize troop movement through hallways at your own risk!

What too long? :(
Glanru wrote:
I've come up with a solution. It'll be on the next iteration of the map. Been busy studying for mid-terms and enjoying the sun, finally. Sorry to say but arrows don't work in the hallways because it's too confined of an area and the arrows in the hallways would really, really, hurt the look and feel of the map.
Pntbttr wrote:
can the lounge attack the gazebo and the driveway or can they attack each other at all
Pntbttr is online.
Glanru wrote:
@Pntbttr I haven't drawn all the connections yet, because I'm still working on hashing out a few connection issues such as the lounge, gazebo, driveway issue. At this time my feeling is that all three will be able to attack each other. If you have a different idea though, please say which should attack each other and why and that will help me finalize the connections.
Glanru wrote:
Alright, this is the first complete version of the map. No more hiding behind a missing legend or connections. But, I do plan to update the map based on input of the connections and with evaluating possible capitals for that game type.

I think the change to the grass and toning down the other textures will make it more pleasing on the eyes. Well, by other textures I don't mean the pool... I upgraded that texture.

Every region now has 5 territories, except the entertainment that has 6. I reason that it would be too complicated to properly consider region bonuses otherwise.

cody224 wrote:
I like everything except for the grass, looks like you had a drought, but other than that I think it looks great.
Glanru wrote:
@cody, I've tried other types of grass. Any other makes the image too colorful and vivid. Also, bringing the grass down a notch lets the rest of the map, the playable part, stand out more.