House Map - In progress
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Glanru wrote:
I'm in the process of upgrading a few things. I was talking with Vexer and pointed out that Photoshop CS5 is only significantly different from CS4 in that it has awesome 3d rendering from 2d images. There are other differences, none that apply to building this map.

And so, I will be adding perspective to the map. If it works how I plan it to work, it will look great. If it works out better than I plan, it will look amazing. If it doesn't work out very well, it will at least provide an improvement on the 3d effect on the walls and other things will likely remain constant.
Glanru wrote:
What I want to do would look great if I were doing a single room or even a small 1 bedroom apartment. Apparently it looks horrible when trying to get a top down view of a floor plan. I know there's software out there that can do what I want, but I'm not finding it. So, you'll all be stuck with 3d walls that I make :(

On the plus side, I was able to notice that I made a mistake with the loft. When I'm done it will appear above the lounge and not as a room beside it.
Glanru wrote:
Posted the minor updates that I made today on page 5. I spent most of the day fooling around with Photoshop and learning about the 3d features. Unfortunately, those features didn't work out for this map :(
Glanru wrote:
Ok, now I think the map is done. Final changes are posted on page 5. 
Glanru wrote:
Map is finished and has been added so that it can be purchased! Played two games on it today and of course I liked it. If you have the tokens you should buy it. And, don't forget to check out the other map that I'm working on.
Glanru wrote:
I just read my first post, funny how this map was inspired by a dream. I actually ended up inadvertently making it look almost exactly like what I remembered from my dream. Some people call me superstitious, but I don't know how else to explain things like this.
Glanru wrote:
I have been thinking about capitols for this map for a while. This is the best I've come up with(yes, 6-8 player isn't that balanced, I couldn't figure out any better locations):

* 2 players *

Bedroom 4

* 3 players *

Bedroom 4

* 4 players *

His Bath
Bedroom 2

* 5 players *

Bedroom 2
Tree House

* 6 players *

Bedroom 4

* 7 players *
Guest Bedroom 
Weight Room   
Bedroom 2   

* 8 players *

Guest Bedroom
Weight Room
Bedroom 2
Mud Room
Vexer wrote:
I will go ahead and add these as is. if someone has a better idea, tell me and if we agree, we can change it later.