The current 12 best players on the site
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The_Bishop wrote:
Congrats JoeySeven :thumbs:

Does this mean he can talk again?

Actually no, he cannot.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
AlexCheckMate wrote:
It seems we've got a new Dominator among us!


He must've decided to celebrate with a new nickname. Congrats :)
Does a new name come without chat limitations?
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
I can't understand this name change. Anyway he won the title as JoeySeven, so for me the new Dominator is JoeySeven.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
B4rny wrote:
I just checked in after a while, only to find out there is a chatbanned dominator, with a new name so newbies won't realise who's stealing points from them.
Way to go D12
The_Bishop wrote:
I think it is not nice to accuse in public someone who can't answer.

B4rny, please, what do you mean ''stealing points''? Is there anything wrong JoeySeven (with a new name) does? I'm curious to know.
Or you are simply referring to the unfairness of the 50-points rule which surely helped a lot JoeySeven (with a new name) to grow?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
What is the 50 pt rule?

Probably the correct name is Disparity Rule or Vikingo's Rule, I don't know exactly...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
God_of_War wrote:
What is the 50 pt rule?

Probably the correct name is Disparity Rule or Vikingo's Rule, I don't know exactly...

"First of all, checking 2 games upon a million cannot be called "doing a research":"

Nice quote in that thread. I laughed. haha
Hi there!
The_Bishop wrote:
Hehehe, I'm laughing too. It sounds like a funny joke but it's the sad reality.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
B4rny wrote:
@ The_Bishop:

Joey is only playing newbies, players who have played 10 games or less (or similar) for easy gaines. The rule that you can't lose more than 3 times the amount of points you would've won works perfect for him, for the one time he would lose that game.

On the other side, he is the one player, with hours of time and patience, to play 5p, capped world classic, just waiting for other players to attack each other.

But still: this is no player worthy of being 'Dominator'. IMO: dominator is the player who is best overall, in every aspect of the game. Not only playing newbies and 5p capped classic.

A Dominator should be chosen, every month in a 'tournament' of for example 5 games: DM, caps, unlimited, capped, DOM. Now it's just one random game.

Feel free to counter my arguments.
elysium5 wrote:
A Dominator should be chosen, every month in a 'tournament' of for example 5 games: DM, caps, unlimited, capped, DOM.
I don't think you would get many players from the top 12 who would want to play in a tournament like that which is why it is just one game.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
periwinkle wrote:

Well...that was an interesting read....i am disappointed and a bit dismayed.  I came from another site (which is not functioning currently) along with a few others and quite frankly we are quite surprised on how sites differ in terms of the community and set up. We have been here for about 6 months.  There are many pros and cons and I hope to make suggestions here to improve the site here.

I agree the top players should be well rounded in their game play and are able to win against all levels of players from other top players to noobs. This farming for points or playing a narrow range of games to create a high score is fine.  Hey, if some players enjoy the same repetitive game, then go for it. 

However, for a true master, they do need to participate in tournaments but currently there is no incentive to play tournaments. (Sorry tokens are not an incentive especially for paying members...they are kinda worthless). So, at my old digs, our tournaments were tied to rating points.  Suppose you have 36 players in a tournament and each player donated 20 rating points.  The winner for the tournament will win 36 x 20 = 720 points! It doesn't have to be could be anywhere from 5 for short tournaments to 20 points for longer ones....up to the tournament organizers.  

This achieves two objectives:

1. It encourages all ranks to play with each other.

2. A true master at the game will come out on top. At my old digs, the top 3 players for the last 4 years were masters...consistently winning tournaments and having a score of 5000+ Those 3 top players were well respected and really super nice. Two of them took me in and trained me when I was a noob. (But that is for another post)

Now some of you think this is not possible under the current setup...yes it is...if the admin can manual adjust points now, then no further coding is necessary.  Once the tournament ends, only 1 admin goes in and takes 20 points from each contestant and transfers it to the winner....viola! Complete! That's how we did tournaments at my old digs. Works really well and everyone wins.  Players that farm points can continue to do that but eventually the true masters will come out on top. It's ready to implement if you want it.

periwinkle is online.