The current 12 best players on the site
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Jimi wrote:
Congratulations British man

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Jimi is online.
maafi wrote:
This month’s game will be World Ex, assassination.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
maafi wrote:
congratulations TP_Knighty --our new dominator.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
Jimi wrote:
Very impressive TP... Congratulations

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Jimi is online.
maafi wrote:
Here’s the new D12 list, congratulations to all those who made the top 12.

I’ll set up the game which will be DM on the World Inverted map. Invites will go out to the 12 as usual.

Putting aside the argument as to whether this really represents the best players of the last month, is everyone happy with the frequency? Does it feel like it comes around too often?
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UltrasPlot wrote:
hi yes i disappear for years and show up again and i'm d12 when i was nowhere close before :^)
dough_boy wrote:
I am fine with the frequency. I think as Ultras pointed out, maybe it should be X games in each of the last few months? So you can't be D12 if you didn't have the minimum number of games the previous 2 months as well.
maafi wrote:
Currently you i think you qualify if you've played in at least 5 games in the past 15 days. So I guess that's how UltrasPlot makes it in.
But I think that needs to be tougher such as finishing 5 games in 15 days. Or tougher still: How about a minimum of 2 different game types, a minimum amount of maps and how about at least one live and one long LT game?
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
UltrasPlot wrote:
I don't think restricting gametypes is a great idea - back in the day I played almost exclusively live games, and some people are really good at their favorite gametypes - they don't deserve to be excluded. However, I think finished games is a good metric. That, and as a larger issue: I see almost no officer rank people that I don't recognize from years ago. Perhaps it's too difficult to climb in terms of points nowadays?