The current 12 best players on the site
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Blizzard wrote:
Why is it difficult to use a smaller pool using doughboy’s strategy? Going to the extreme of saying a new person would get in seems like a very poor example to shoot down a good idea. Does anyone think that diughboy’s intention was for newbs to get in? No, he obviously wants active, strong players who made their bones and continue to make their bones in the most competitive environment this site has ever seen. Obviously a noob who gains 1000 points wouldn’t be eligible but why can’t the pool of players selected from, for example, be the top 30 ranked players. From those 30 ( or 20) names you then use doughboy’s system.

Wouldn’t saying that is was easier 3 years ago be the primary reason to tweak it? You’re saying someone with a very high rank got there when competition was weak and stays there because of lack of play makes little sense.

Just take the top 30 ranked players and use his system, that makes the most sense to me.
POSITIVITY IS CONTAGIOUS!! Keep it positive [/quote]
SethHrab wrote:
I want to say quite a bit here, but don't want to "stir the pot" too much, so I'll just say that something about this whole system is broken. I think it would be wise to look at the "player age" of the dominating 12 list..Not a single player on that list has an account less than 3 years old - you have a problem, whether you choose to see it or no is up to you.

In my opinion, especially given the comment of "it was so much easier to win", a hard reset of everyone's rank points makes by far the most sense. Then you get a clear indication of a current "Dominating 12" and not just a "Dominating Been With The Site A While". *shrug*
SethHrab is online.
Matty wrote:
So let me get this straight. You think the system is broken, because in order to be amoung the best of the world (yes, the best of this site can compete with the best of the world), you have to have at least some years of experience?
Seems like exactly not broken to me.
Also, PatrickStarr is less then 3 years on this site :P

Agreed @ Hoodlum, though I wonder a bit about 2v2 and 3v3, because that's sort of 2p-ish as well.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Blizzard wrote:
Speaking of, I’m interested in separate rankings for SameTime games.

Seth - didn’t you just join like last Thursday?

Listen - If I was the guy that had a huge rating from years ago, I would def want the rules how they are now because I know the competition is so stiff that even the really really good players sitting at the 15th spot will have an extraordinarily hard time reaching me. I get it.

POSITIVITY IS CONTAGIOUS!! Keep it positive [/quote]
SethHrab wrote:
Lol, Matty - I love you. You got me, Patrick is shy of 3 years.

Yes Blizzard, I joined about 4 minutes ago. I'm a "noob", I get it. Being that I am, doesn't diminish my perspective I would hope.

I don't claim to be good, hell I'd be more likely to lose a game if everyone else quit somehow. But my point remains, and I think Blizzard illustrates it well - even someone with several years of "experience" (see - luck in timing of site join) sitting at in his example the 15 spot does have a terribly difficult task of reaching the top 12 just based on the system alone. That player HAS to play harder competition than someone at even the 14 spot does in order to have a realistic shot of advancing, let alone someone in the top 12.

I'll leave it be at that - enough pot stirring from me. Wanted to present a perspective based upon my feelings / thoughts as a new comer to the site - something I think we'd all agree the site needs is a fresh set of bodies, but for some, myself included, the task of advancing in rank is too steep. For a good player that fact alone may indeed steer them elsewhere is my point - and that truly would be a shame.. I've been to some of these other places, and in terms of maps / gameplay / support / site overlay / etc etc etc they don't hold a candle.
SethHrab is online.
dough_boy wrote: make it sound like only the "worlds best" play here. We are always getting new blood (Hood has recruited a lot). We could actually get the worlds best and because competition is stiffer now (as you have admitted) they themselves might not ever be able to make the top 12 (really 9). It should just be renamed to "Top 12 highest ranked active players".

huskers01 wrote:
All this talk about making the d12 list/game. It took me almost three years to make that list and so very hard to stay there. I've even lost three ranks and been off the list for quite a while. But I fought my way back on the list. Mind you three rank loss is about 900 rating points. So saying you can't gain rating points fast enough is just absurd. Changing the system to accommodate the new players is ridiculous. It's not d12s fault you just found this site. And it sure isn't fair to the guys that have put in the time to play and advance up the rankings .
Matty wrote:
Just to clarify things:
- I don't know if the world's best players play on this site. I do know that the best ppl that (have) play(ed) on this site can compete with the world's best players.
- There are a lot of players on this site who are not the best of the world (doh?).
- It was NOT easy 3 years ago (or 5) to get to the top. Yes, it was slightly easier then it is now (no doubt partly because there were less players then), but still very hard.
- You cannot sit at a high amount of points for very long. You'd have to play at least 5 games per month, and if you can't win 1 or 2 out of these of 5 games*, you'll lose points very quickly.
- It's actually not that hard to get to the top. Just win five 9-player games in a row with high ranked players (say, bad dice from the previous guy and you clean up the mess and take a free win - that gives you LOADS of points). The hard part is staying at the top.

* winning 2 out of 5 games with 6+ players is a very good ratio - if you play with less players, you'll need to win even more.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty wrote:
gg and congratulations!
That was a really interesting game.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria