What they are for, how they are calculated, and a discussion about the reputation system
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Vexer wrote:
I've developed a reputation system for the site with the help of bluebird005vis and the staff. It's not perfect yet but it's good enough for release. We've needed this for a long time since the staff cannot possibly monitor enough of the games. We are moving toward a more democratic system where the players themselves judge behavior rather than just a handful of staff deciding what is acceptable.

Scores are based on the number of player reports against you. Next to the players tab on the game page there is now a Report Player Tab. There you are able to report players for a number of rule violations. Currently player reports are primarily used in this automated scoring system and not reviewed by the staff. If a gross and obvious violation of the rules occurs you may still want to message a moderator to bring the staff's attention to a problem player. Please also send a report using the Report Player Tab otherwise your message will likely not be taken seriously.

You can view your scores on your profile. There are 3 categories. Fair Play, Chat and Attendance. Your score starts at 100 with points taken off for every reported game. Only the last 100 games count toward your score.

Your attendance score is automatically handled by the system. It is essentially the percentage of games you've completely without missing a turn. This score is only updated when the game ends. The system has been calculating this score for about a week now and we already have players with scores in the 70's. I highly recommend avoiding these players. The entire purpose of this reputation system is to give you the information you need to avoid players who ruin games. You are encouraged to check every player's profile before joining the game.

If you have played at least 100 games your Fair Play score is 100 minus the number of Fair Play related reports you've had in the last 100 games. If you have played fewer than 100 games then it's calculated like this: round((TotalGames - TotalFairPlayReports)/TotalGames*100) which is essentially the percentage of games you've played report free except for the case when you've been reported for two different Fair Play related rule violations in the same game. Your Chat score is calculated the same way.

Reports must be duplicated

To prevent abuse of the system each report has to be duplicated by another player in the game or by a moderator. Unless there are two reports from two different accounts for the same rule violation the report won't affect the players reputation score. Scores are updated at the time the second report is submitted even if the game is still in progress. Players only have 3 days after the game finishes to send reports. Moderators, however, can send reports at any time.

One nice aspect of this system is that each duplicated report will make at least a 1% difference on the reported players score. With other systems you might rate a player 1 star when they already have 1000 5 star ratings and your rating is almost useless. This system remains current by only looking at the last 100 games which means that new players who don't understand the rules will not be forever marked by a few early reports.

Another nice aspect is that if everyone played by the rules then nothing needs to be done. There's no need for positive reports to counteract the negative ones. Any game without a report improves your score.

New Players

The above scoring formula doesn't work very well for new players, however. For example if a player is reported in their first two games because they didn't understand the rules then they would have a score of 0. This might discourage or frustrate them because it would take them a long time to improve their score even if they played perfectly after the first two games. So instead we use a different calculation to approximate the score for players who have played less than 20 games: Score = 100 - NumberOfReports*5. This method is very forgiving at first but becomes more accurate as they play more games to the point that at 20 games they get the same score with either formula.

Automatic Chat Ban

If your Chat score drops below 85 then you will be banned from using chat until you finish a game report free. You will also be automatically chat banned if you have 3 chat related reports in the last 8 games. You will remained chat banned until you have played enough games that you no longer have 3 reports in the last 8 games. These numbers are subject to change based on how effective or ineffective this is.

Even if you personally don't mind crude language or harassment, you are still encouraged to report it because it will free up the staff''s time to work on other things such as new features and maps. There are enough players who care about this that it cannot be ignored by the staff.

The site's rules go into depth about what is and is not acceptable in the chat. Please re-read the rules before using the report system. Keep in mind that a majority of people use curse words a lot which makes it hard for them to understand what the problem is. It doesn't sound rude to them and they often don't intend it to be rude. So please do give them a fair warning before reporting them or be lenient and make a good judgment about whether or not they intended to be rude. There's a difference between being rude and being crass. Rude people are jerks and we don't want to play with them anyway. Crass people just need to learn some manners in order to fit in properly. Rude people are intentionally disrespectful and disrespect is not tolerated on this site. Crass people are ignorantly disrespectful because they don't know their audience so please inform them before reporting them.


Murder-suicide: Intentionally killing or weakening another player so that you both end up dead except for the case where you had a good chance to turn in their cards but got bad dice.

We have a big problem with this on the site. There are certain players who think it's OK to threaten a murder-suicide every time someone does something they don't like. This is not OK. This ruins the game for everyone else playing. This makes the site less fun and drives quality, skilled players away. We have had much difficulty in convincing certain players to end this behavior. Some of these players are even close with that staff which makes the staff less effective in dealing with the problem. Or they are otherwise very helpful (with maps for example) which makes it hard to want to ban them without first trying to change their play style. Please report these players so that their Fair Play score will get low enough to the point where players start avoiding them. These players are in denial and I think an embarrassingly low Fair Play score will help convince them to change their ways. Please goad them about their pitiful score once in every game but not to the point of harassment. They need to see that we don't like the way they play and that we don't want to play with them unless they choose a different style.

This system is brand new and there will probably be some issues that arise. Please voice your concerns here and don't create your own thread about it.
Sygmassacre wrote:
Look Spammy, social Darwinism has arrived at last.
This could get rather interesting...great idea!
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
elysium5 wrote:
Thank you Vexer, and thanks to everyone who added their input into this system!
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
True-Detective wrote:
It looks great, when i read the title I had something a little bit different in mind, but seems like you've put a lot of effort into it. I don't want use the word 'flaw', but I want to point out some issues:

1- Illegal alliance usually happens in fog-of-war games, when you are the only one noticing it, so it would be hard to second the vote. This will happen in 3 players remaining situation too. I think there's a solution to the fog problem which I'll start a discussion for it later.

2- How can players avoid playing low reputation player? I think it is necessary that games creator prevents certain type of players from joining the game, so in create a game link, besides the point limit option, there should be reputation limit options too.

3- Chat room issues are not limited to badmouthing. Use of non-English languages (with all respect to Balkan players, specially Serbian language) irritates many players, so I think there should be a report option for that too.

This would be all for now, but it looks a great step towards resolving the issues that slows the growth speed of DXII greatly. Thanks for the hard work Vexer and others involved.
PsymonStark wrote:
Thanks, and great job guys!

I have an addition to what TD said which you could like. If it's not too much work, it would be a nice idea to set a limit in Attendance for joining games, like we already have for points, for members only. This way you make sure that no one who usually loses turns can enter the game and ruin it.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
SpamFree wrote:
I'm leery of automated reputation systems in general, but so far it sounds like it won't be too awful.

I'll wait and see how it plays out.

lifeinpixels wrote:
In regards to the reputation score filters that other players have mentioned, I think we need to be careful that players don't abuse this, and prevent those with a lower reputation from ever having the chance to raise it back up again.

I think a good way to balance this is to charge tokens to use this filter. That way, those who want to use the filter a lot must also play normal games to earn their tokens, and allowing lower reputation players to play.
4zaviola wrote:
This is a great idea. It could be so funny too which is a bonus.

I have checked a few reputation scores and they are at 100, but for how long?

Got to admit, it's too big a job for the moderator team, good to see something creative being tested.

Best behaviour everyone!
SpamFree wrote:
I think I agree with lifeinpixels where it applies to low reputation players not being allowed to gain reputation back. It sounds like the system is designed in such a way to allow repentant idiots to gain forgiveness, over time. Noobs can grow up and find the socially accepted path and not be permanently scarred by youthful indiscretion.

Charging tokens is an interesting idea but tokens are pretty much useless for all but the most rank-hungry folks.
(I've got a crapload of them and have no use for them. I wish I could use them to get back discontinued maps *hint* *hint* ;) )

BTW I was just in a game where a player took a risky move and was decried as suicidal, though had the cards gone in his favour it would've won him the game.

I just mention again that suicide is in the eye of the beholder.

Clarke wrote:
I know that I had a lot to do with this becoming reality. Bluebird hates my guts which is fine with me. But I have a few of questions:

1) Other than the chat ban, does any thing else happen when your score in a certain category drops? (Other than people might not play with you). For example do you lose the right to join a game on D12 if you drop below 50%?

2) What if you do absolutely nothing wrong but a couple of players don't like you from previous games. What stops them from reporting you in every game? Can you defend yourself to some committee to get your points back?

3) This should only apply to new games created once the system is in place. I will behave more because of this system but don't want to get punished for things I have done in previous moves before this existed.

4) Can there be a rule that if ONE player only reports someone but nobody else backs him/her up, and this happens often, that player loses the right to report?
Clarkette wrote:
I think you are going to get a lot more reports because it is now so easy to report someone. However, I'm not worried about my reputation unless some start holding my husbands behavior against me lol.
Joca wrote:
Is this means that am no longer chat banned? :)

btw i like the new system
Joca wrote:
don't like **

Although am banned, still think admins are doing good job. Maybe am a bit extreme, but not everyone deserve a right to decide whether someone is going to be banned or not(as some people don't deserve freedom of speech).
Don't get me wrong. It's ok to have an opinion and post it on forum ( that's why forum exist, right?), but giving some random guy a right to judge whether you have made a suicidal move or not, is a step over the edge... it's gonna lead to an "anarchy".

Scroll up and you'll see ban suggestions have already expanded. (non-English language).

Vex said: "...since the staff cannot possibly monitor enough of the games."
I absolutely agree with him. On the other hand, hope this is a temporarily phase( reputation scores/ democratic vote), until site raises fund and hire some guys to be admins/ mods.

Also i would like to thank everybody who have spared some of their precious time and dedicated themselves updating this new system. This forum and ever-changing system makes D12 best risk site on Web. PERIOD
Clarkette wrote:
Well Said by someone who has no voice. I think it says a lot for someone who has lost their chat to still "speak" so highly of the site!! Most would probably be very sore.