A place to warn others
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elysium5 wrote:
I'm at my max 4 long term games right now but when I finish one I'll set one up. Are you in, Urgul? Maybe you too, Thorpe? Anyone else? Any game type preferences?
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
urgul wrote:
i like the medittareanian, though im open to debate.
israel (although its called palestine) is on that map.
thorpe, arshficker r yall in?
Thorpe wrote:
Too funny! What a topic. Let me address "bird" statement with 1771. He was one one the few members that have been on this site before the rules were even written down...they were just unspoken rules that all agreed upon. 4myGod was the founder of this site and as you can tell by the name it was for God...unspoken rule--no cussing. Is anyone of us perfect? Have we not all broken the rules? Do we get hot-headed?  YES.

1771 even said he wished he did not lose his cool and said he should have not of reacted they way he did.

I have said things that I regreted also, in chat and in life. You my want to ask my son Diddly or his best-friend Paddlin about it sometime..lol. It is a war game...temps fly. With that said...that does not give any member permission to break the rules over and over again.

As for the main topic "Suiciders"...It is hard to prove cause sometimes it is just 0% bad plays the do, that turn out to be suicide. I was in a game that urgul killed two players out of 8, by the second turn, and he even tryed to kill me...suicide I thought. Nope he did win the game! It was really called luck! Go figure!

westchester was one of those "Suiciders" when he started playing. I was told about him from the Admin. and he said he wanted some training. He has jumped up in his rank quickly since I trained him, but he had to undo his thinking which caused his bad plays... "suicides". 

So on a last thought...Admin. do care about "Suiciders"...just hard to prove. They seem Slow to act upon them.
Admin. do care about members cussing a lot...easy to prove...so it is easy to act upon with quickness.

P.S...My native tongue is English...but that does not mean I know proper english...lol
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
elysium5 wrote:
Thorpe, I was just chit chatting with BB and I realized that the game referred to was in regards to 1771. I thought it had to do with madmerlin and I could't see any comments so I thought they were deleted as BB mentioned in a couple posts above that MM was reported. Sorry if my comments regarding that drew any confusion.

On another note seeing how you were dragged into all this:) would you be up for a 'those are my toys in the sandbow' password protected game with AF, Urgul and myself?
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
bluebird005vis wrote:
And after game 144157, this is the message I got from MM
MadMerlin said:
02:44 AM, 22 August 2013

I thought might be nice to clear the air . I play a lot of games with you and others and while I tend to have a short fuse when I am attacked it is not ever really intended as a suicide .The exception may be the recent game when I was annoyed that you and Against had agreed to attack me when only 3 players were left and this continued long after the game was balanced . In retrospect I should not have played as I did and wish to apologise for that.

Re the truces I sometimes agree with others . You seem to have the impression that OXEN and I have some unspoken agreement this is not so as demonstrated by the fact that in the game you were concerned with I allowed you through my territory to attack OXEN.

Just wished to express the above feelings to you . Have fun you play very well.

Still hard to prove?
How about this 1 then.
Suiciding and foul language all rolled into 1 neat package.
arschficker wrote:
sry i'm in 5 longterm games so i cannot join:( once one of them is over i'd definitely be up for it, though.
urgul wrote:
soooooooo...... here's the game. very exclusive. invite only. as soon as u can join, plz join.
Thorpe wrote:
bluebird005vis if you look at your game 144157 MM was there till round 83! Sounds like a suicider to me!

As for game 164852 he lasted to round 18 and yes he played to get you! But you asked if he was going to suicide again...he has said he will not join anymore games with you, so you started that out and he just wanted out of the game. So would I...but you took care of it. Plus you have a staff member in that game....Cireon

I have played against MadMerlin and watched him play...

He may not be a member I can understand his moves...but again calling him a "Suicider" would be not correct. His tactics are a lot different. 

Plus you have been around a while and have played against the greats and you know they would never play like that.

I would call MadMerlin just "Mad", meaning...CRAZY! I have said this to him for awhile..."MadMerlin... you do your name a Honor."

You now know you do not like him in your games, with the way you play...and he said he would not join them...so all is well.

As always:

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
arschficker wrote:
wait, i do NOT want to play with urgul ever again so there's no point in joining that game
elysium5 wrote:
Fair enough. No body is forced to play with someone they don't want to. Just put it out there as way maybe turn frustration into fun but I do understand if you'd just rather let it be and move on.
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
arschficker wrote:
watch out, noob on the lose! lleaver55 deliberately loses the game by killing me and himself so that the third player could take us aboth out. his explanation: "All I wanted was get a card".

here's my updated list of the most irrational players that i've come across so far


urgul wrote:
archfischer i am a man (child, really) of forgiveness. however, it should be me hating u, not the other way around. i dont intentionally wipe u out. i cant say the same for the others, though. cuz im not sure.
u really seem like the dicktator. its really obvious.
stay off the forums if u have nothing nice or at least constructive to say.