Middle East (by @@The_Bishop)
  • 180 posts
  • Page 1 of 12
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
4/6/8-player games, worth 3/5/7 points per win.
Each player plays  12 games, 1 game per mode:
Deathmatch, Capitals, Domination, Assassination.

1. @Monte485
2. @Rockbert
3. @vorple
4. @DreamStreet
5. @coco
6. @GM_Archiee
7. @OldDogGen
8. @NotSoFast
9. @maafi
10. @cdravis
11. @KoE_Doja
12. @clarkenfeld
13. @andymech
14. @delos
15. @maxrebo
16. @hortik
17. @Drax
18. @LandoCalriskian
19. @Tennesseelogman
20. @Wompdompers
21. @Skanksta
22. @TomC
23. @Barbaro
24. @IsolatedBadger
25. @TimTheGreat
26. @2ofclubs
28. @FightingDucks
30. @Glessesboy
31. @agam
32. @frkkocks
33. @@
34. @sfclimbers
36. @roy12345
37. @Temul
38. @Abs
39. @OneWayBuckeye
40. @ungoliath
41. @alee1227
42. @Barbaro
43. @Cinco-DeMaio
45. @FightingDucks
46. @begold
47. @ttranbar
48. @toni99
 @Blagoje_Jovovic 3000
  @The_Bishop     3000
  @OldDogGen       3000
  @maafi         3000
   @cdravis      3000
   @Rockbert     3000
“Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk.”
The_Bishop wrote:
That's hyper nice. I'm not sure the graphics of my map is entirely finished yet and it has already its own tournament... Just so cool ! Thanks BJ.

I don't see much participetion for now though... :S
Maybe people don't like the map, I don't know... Or they just don't like to play a tournament on a map they don't know,,, maybe!

Well, I add 3,000 tokens into the prize pool as incentive.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
I think it's because people are already participating in one, two, three or maybe four and five tournaments....
“Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk.”
Rockbert wrote:
Hope you guys don't mind, but I just promoted this in the live chat because this looks fun!
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann