• 50 posts
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-NoXoN- wrote:
He explain that he was playing game and someone attacked him without reason cause he was not strongest(very common) and so he used bad language(DXII is very sensitive). Admins criticized him for bad language earlier too and i think he havent use bad language until that day.
 He dont ask me to write this but i think is not fair. I dont say that is ok to use bad language, but you can hurt someone much more with other words
 Is DXII lost if sekretar stop playing he is very good player.

  agree or disagree?
Paddlin wrote:
Agreed. It's a silly rule that gives the admin something to do.

If people engage in hate speech, I could see why we would ask them to stop (I.e., It perpetuates oppression for underprivileged groups of people by influencing people's voting behaviors through the reduction of certain citizens to a second-class status). 

I don't see this as Sekretar's agenda. He uses fowl language. If people are worried about that (in game) maybe they could just tell him that it makes them uncomfortable to the point of not wanting to play him in future games. 
Holt wrote:
Sekretar was banned from chat because of the extent of his foul language not because he used it in general. He used it constantly. He was talked to in messages about it, asked in several live games by the players involved and the Admins to stop, and had several chat bans that were lifted which did not help. Sekretar is a good player and I enjoy having him play on this site but there are rules just like any other site with a filter. The only difference is we do not have a filter. We give warnings before any punishments are taken unless it is a extreme circumstance. Sekretar had his warnings and now the actions have been taken.
Paddlin wrote:
I spelled fowl like a bird ;) 

I think if we can successfully call into question the rule, then we can call into question the enforcement of the rule. 
killrick wrote:
kill rick passes sekretar a bar of soap.....you know what you have to do
now say your sorry and get back to killing your friends on the battlefield
and play nice
Vexer wrote:
I just love it when people talk about things when they have almost none of the facts or evidence. (sarcasm)

Sekretar is abusive to players with his language. I will not allow one player to verbally abuse another again and again and again. This is not about using curse words. That has never been our main concern. The rules do state not to use offensive, disgusting, or vulgar language but we really only say anything about it if the language is used in an abusive, demeaning way.

Everything Noxon said is wrong. Sekretar constantly verbally abused every player he played with.

Paddlin, you might be perfectly happy being constantly verbally abused, in fact you probably thrive in it and think it's fun but you are abnormal. Why would we cater to the one and not the many? The majority of the site does not want to be verbally abused when they are trying to have fun.
-NoXoN- wrote:
Sekretar constantly verbally abused every player he played with
-NoXoN- wrote:
Ha ha ha everything that i said is wrong or you just dont like to read? IF DXII WAS NOT VERY SENSITIVE HE WOULD BE BANNED IN CONQUERCLUB AND MAJORCOMMAND i believe that he use same language everywhere. I wonder if admins here are smarter or ...
 Sekretar now you can open new account and start playing with new account so you can chat. They cant bann you in new account if you dont use bad language.
 You have right to have second account since many players here have.
 Rules must be same for everyone. Dictatorship?
-NoXoN- wrote:
Noxon said sekretar is very good player, well everything was wrong.
OH Sekretar is beating Vexer i guess sekretar is still bad player.
Vexer wrote:
Don't read this post if you are sensitive to bad language.

While 90% of sekretar's offensive language was simple exclamations about the dice, the game, or the site these are some examples of the types of comments that get him banned from chat:

16044 you have more luck then brain
16193 and..f*ck off,you legend of risk!
16230 f*ck off
16293 you have more luck then brain
16295 or f*ck you bastard!
17830 yes, he is f*cking lucky bastard!
17994 bastard!
17994 kiss my ass! YOU LUCKY BASTARD!
18032 f*ck off lucky bastard!
18082 lucky bastard!
18146 you have more luck then brain
18157 you lucky bastard!
18157 sdh, make new, you bastard!
18158 sdh, you bastard!
18158 fat boy
18206 lucky bastard
18306 you are f*cking lucky ass!
18586 eat sh*t and kiss my ass!
18586 f*ck off
18639 f*ck off!
18643 f*cking poland bastard!
18985 eat sh*t rafcio!
18986 beaucose you are peace of sh*t!
18985 say why i told you every time-f*ck off!
19459 bastard
19632 f.*cking idiot!
19632 iwhen i can kick this black ass!
19914 lucky bastard
20000 kick your self in ass
20422 i will kick you in your ass!
20503 you have more luck then brain!
19970 yelllow, you are stupid guy
21272 what this idiot doing-yellow?
21272 look what moron doing!
22149 you lucky bastard!
22149 or i cick you in ass!
22230 rich bastard!
22325 you have one bonus, are you blind?
22581 your brain mister good hunting need 9 min to process one information!
20829 vexer bastard!
23256 this bastard is serb, he is from capital city and he dont talk with peassant from rural serbia
23261 old bastard
23261 you bastard
23434 -she is ugly!
23470 when your lucky dice stop, then i will kick you in ass!
24238 fendi, ask this moron, what he have against me
24334 you have more luck then brain yellow
25610 ya, thorpy is albino niger!
32295 i am strong like niger :)
32461 you have more luck then brain
34069 i give shit for site rules
35306 ustashi bastards!
35313 lucky american bastard!
38435 ou are one of this bastards-admins!??
38435 bastard is bad word?
38438 damn idiot-boss

And this doesn't include the private messages he sent.

If he would quit the name calling then we wouldn't block his chat.

I was of course exaggerating when I said "Everything Noxon said is wrong. Sekretar constantly verbally abused every player he played with." As is anyone who uses the words everything and every. You are not clever for pointing out that I misspoke.
Pntbttr wrote:
Why do you guys do this! People keep questioning how Vexer does his job, and every time we just find out that he is doing it really well. There is starting to be a list of people who have questioned him in big annoying forum post.
Pntbttr wrote:
You guys could at least keep it quiet and just send Vexer a private message...instead you make everybody mad for no reason...when you make big annoying forum posts it just make Vexer's job harder!

@-NoXoN-...you just made Vexer look through a bunch of game chats for insults!!!! He could have been fixing bugs and making the site better or playing risk with everybody else...but no you decide to make a big annoying forum post about how Vexer is doing a horrible job and how he shouldn't be banning people from the chat when they continually insult people. Not to mention you insulted him with basically all your posts. And just making another account would make it so he wouldn't have the same rank or username and besides Vexer can probably just ban his IP address so anybody that logs on his computer wont be able to chat. I don't consider anyone who constantly curses and insults people a good player.
lider wrote:
Sekretar we support you ! :) Don't be so harsh to him, he got pissed off because of some newbies. After a while, everybody loose their temper...
Paddlin wrote:
Pntbttr said, "He could have been fixing bugs and making the site better or playing risk with everybody else...but no you decide to make a big annoying forum post about how Vexer is doing a horrible job and how he shouldn't be banning people from the chat when they continually insult people." 

D12, an online gaming community focused on a fictitious board game about world domination (not associated with Hasbro or Risk), has an administrator who works tireless hours, taking precious time away from his home life to benefit the lives of others. 

Sekretar made some remarks that were problematic. 

This sparked an opportunity for administrator(s) to intervene. Why? For the benefit of the community.  

So, it follows: 1) Vexer is here to benefit the community through programming; 2) Vexer is here to benefit the community through chat bans. 

There is a lot of community benefiting going on here.

What if:

"I will not allow one player to verbally abuse another again and again and again." -Vexer

This charity stuff sure requires a lot of community benefiting from on high. We better not question anything because we might disrupt what is best for the community--or so we are told by those who have the control. 

Sekretar can be a rude individual. In fact, I have had to take breaks from playing against him. I have had to take breaks from a lot of people. And a lot of people need breaks from me. That is what makes this game intriguing. We are like mini-Napoleons who want to rule the world in our own ways. 

If he is rude, don't play him. How about personal responsibility and community accountability over Admin accountability and rule following.
Diddly wrote:
Who decides what words are abusive? If I feel like the word abusive is abusive are we no longer allowed to use it on this site? Or does it require a certain number of ppl to agree with me that its abusive for it to become banned? If so, did I miss the vote on which words are not allowed? If these questions go unanswered it could pose a huge problem for my free gaming opportunity here in the future and this worries me.