The Seasonly Traction
The Stalemate Continues
The long war goes through another winter. Much of the efforts involved building great banks of dirt and giant trenches that the tractionist cities would struggle to get through. Private sources are telling us that there was an attempt of TennesseeLogman's life. We are unsure of the validity but there are reports of TennesseeLogman thanking the soldiers who have been fighting so diligently and tirelessly for their freedom. A direct quote is that his greatest hope is that soon "the largest moving city rolled over everyone and killed all." (This is literally a direct quote which I want to make more of these in the interviews cause it'll be fun if I can get them to work). Moral has certainly been boosted amongst his soldiers with those words and a rumoured survived assassination. Is TLM even killable?
Anaxagore exclusive
"So Anax, you have certainly been quiet recently. Do you think you'll win the war?"
"Of course we'll win. We've recently been implementing defensive strategies. Trenches and large mounds fill the landscapes but the biggest threat to our cities is the skies. We've been developing anti aircraft missiles. They are designed to be attracted to heat and aircrafts create a lot of heat. I believe that this could give us the edge in the war."
"Lady Naga was disappeared when there was a plane crash. Do you think her plane was shot by anti aircraft missiles?"
"No, when we arrived at the site of the plane crash, there was no evidence of the body of the plane being compromised. No we know that the sabotage must have been from inside the plane. We have interrogated Zagwan security and they have told us who was actually on the plane with Lady Naga. We have Prince Naga, Courtney Whitaker, Leo Ndidi, Skyla Gotze and Paul Johnson’s daughter. Now I can't pull any motives for any of these people as I don't know them well enough but my bet it's one of them unless Zagwan officials are lying to us.
We have studied which people have skills in Interrogation, and we have General Naga, Malcolm Hanks, General Ying, Stalker Fang, Dartster Morely and Mimi Hanks
Game Changing News
The Assassin is available for hire
Anyone who has a slave or Stalker may announce that they wish to sell them. Then I'll announce that the next phase players can bid for for player's stalker/slave
Later today (not immediately) I may alter some of the win conditions slightly for some players. Please check.
[size=20px]The Seasonly Traction[/size]
[size=18px]The Stalemate Continues[/size]
The long war goes through another winter. Much of the efforts involved building great banks of dirt and giant trenches that the tractionist cities would struggle to get through. Private sources are telling us that there was an attempt of TennesseeLogman's life. We are unsure of the validity but there are reports of TennesseeLogman thanking the soldiers who have been fighting so diligently and tirelessly for their freedom. A direct quote is that his greatest hope is that soon "the largest moving city rolled over everyone and killed all." (This is literally a direct quote which I want to make more of these in the interviews cause it'll be fun if I can get them to work). Moral has certainly been boosted amongst his soldiers with those words and a rumoured survived assassination. Is TLM even killable?
[size=18px]Anaxagore exclusive[/size]
"So Anax, you have certainly been quiet recently. Do you think you'll win the war?"
"Of course we'll win. We've recently been implementing defensive strategies. Trenches and large mounds fill the landscapes but the biggest threat to our cities is the skies. We've been developing anti aircraft missiles. They are designed to be attracted to heat and aircrafts create a lot of heat. I believe that this could give us the edge in the war."
"Lady Naga was disappeared when there was a plane crash. Do you think her plane was shot by anti aircraft missiles?"
"No, when we arrived at the site of the plane crash, there was no evidence of the body of the plane being compromised. No we know that the sabotage must have been from inside the plane. We have interrogated Zagwan security and they have told us who was actually on the plane with Lady Naga. We have Prince Naga, Courtney Whitaker, Leo Ndidi, Skyla Gotze and Paul Johnson’s daughter. Now I can't pull any motives for any of these people as I don't know them well enough but my bet it's one of them unless Zagwan officials are lying to us.
We have studied which people have skills in Interrogation, and we have General Naga, Malcolm Hanks, General Ying, Stalker Fang, Dartster Morely and Mimi Hanks
[size=18px]Game Changing News[/size]
The Assassin is available for hire
Anyone who has a slave or Stalker may announce that they wish to sell them. Then I'll announce that the next phase players can bid for for player's stalker/slave
Later today (not immediately) I may alter some of the win conditions slightly for some players. Please check.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me
Summer 2 CountdownGet your purchases in 2 hours beforehand