Game Thread
  • 1174 posts
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elysium5 wrote:
I have requested chats with several of you for tonight and can reveal more information then, however, the info I provided on Pdorward is solid and I implore you, we have to get the peace mongers off the board before they accumulate enough votes to hit their win clause.

I hope I'm one of them.

I have to go to leave for work in a few minutes and won't be online again until this evening. I hope I am still alive and someone wants to open a chat with me.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Rockbert wrote:
You are one. We are of different factions, I believe, but I think it's more important to work together to get the peace mongers and the neutrals out than it is to annihilate each other right now.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
2ofclubs wrote:
My formal apology if I violated mafia code on anyone.
It's a game of deception and that we are all guilty of and been on both sides of.
Off line for an hour.
Rockbert wrote:
my info says pdor is not peace or neutral but one of the factions

You are being misled. I can talk more on that tonight.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
ThickTalon wrote:
TLM you sound like a neutral Peace goer. Your I formation almost got you shot last night so you are obviously ruffling feathers.

ThickTalon wrote:
For the record I have had no dealings with TLM this game. Which is odd. I guess he is shooting for new guy manipulation
Rockbert wrote:
My formal apology if I violated mafia code on anyone.
It's a game of deception and that we are all guilty of and been on both sides of.
Off line for an hour.

Are you saying you did break a code? What code did you break? This certainly implies you broke your word or a code but which one? What is "Mafia code?" Sounds like you're justifying it. This game can be of deception without breaking your word.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
ThickTalon wrote:
I am out for a few hours, lake time calls. Will check in from my phone.

We have good information for the first time. Don't let the peace detractors manipulate the day.

Wrong use of the word. 

Peace lovers. Not detractors.
2ofclubs wrote:
My formal apology if I violated mafia code on anyone.
It's a game of deception and that we are all guilty of and been on both sides of.
Off line for an hour.

Are you saying you did break a code? What code did you break? This certainly implies you broke your word or a code but which one? What is "Mafia code?" Sounds like you're justifying it. This game can be of deception without breaking your word.
No - maybe a gentleman's agreement. I haven't gone back to read content or time line. I wouldn't just blatenly betray or double cross. What ever the term you use.
I was in a what has been label as no harm agreement. I then said Ely was the inspector (HE IS NOT). He is a journalist and that was a misunderstanding on my part from intel I got and that intel was not disclosed/shared by Ely. The journalist info is posted publicly in thread where as the inspector is kept private. I am not debating or defending or denying my actions. I am just saying what I perceived happened and attempting to make it right.
Given this, Ely is beneficial to all since the public reports are not specific giving 6 possibilities and have clues with dreaded red hearings in bedded.
Bluegoetz wrote:
Anyone have a lynch count? Probably going to go with an inactive cause I can’t find the people I need, so let’s see if they are even playing.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
current lynch count
pdor - 4 - rock, thick, hood, peri
lolf m- 2 - 2oc, tenn
abstaining or not yet voted - 7 - ely, pdor, lolf, anax, kram, dan, blue
killed = can't voted - 3 abs, jkl, ryo

did not vote last time - 9 - kram, 2oc, blue, pdor, lolf, anax, ely, hood, dan
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
It's S3 and most insurances will expire. The game will get a little more intense as well as the head aches.
All 16 players are still in the game. A 1st?
I have had chats with all but Abs and Peri. Abs can't open chats. And well Peri has wanted to but seems to spend money elsewhere. Game started w/ 3 neutrals (Abs ? ?). Peri wanted to be invited badly to the chat stalker Jkl was going to be in.
My chats were speachless, rocky, guarded and beneficial. Of my chats, at least 9 of you know my faction and/or more. I assume that was taken back to your clan. Given that I don't need to hard claim or 100% my faction. Just need to avoid bullets.
Respectfully ♣︎♣︎

This is a heck of a possible revelation....
And well Peri has wanted to but seems to spend money elsewhere.

Peri? Sup?
Don't want this post to get overlooked