Officla thread for the Mafia Narcos Game
  • 652 posts
  • Page 32 of 44
Abs wrote:
Night 3 is over….

Was like a war zone…..

Many guardian angels in play….

RIP Ryomyr

Abs said:
28 Feb 2022, 12:01
You are the Doctor for the Medellin Cartel

You can #save any player each night phase as long as you send me a PM with the request before the Night Phase is over.

You win by eliminating all members of the other Cartels

Ironically Ryo takes the Grave Digger ability to the Grave…

RIP Chip….Cali Cartel are no more….

Abs said:
28 Feb 2022, 12:01
You are a Cartel Soldier for the Cali Cartel

You have no abilities apart from the day lynch vote and your 1x assigned special ability, your job is to be out in the field, find out information for your Cartel Leader and keep him alive

You win by eliminating all members of the other Cartels

Chip also took his Eavesdropper ability to the grave…..

It is now Day 4…get lynching
ChipmunkWarrior wrote:
Farewell, friends of the forest.

Take care of my nuts while I'm gone. I buried them under the maple tree.

But most of all... I want you to... please.... gahh......rememb-... .remember...... me...
"The tallest beanstalks sway in the wind the most

- Ancient South African Proverb
Rockbert wrote:
#Lynch Hoodlum
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
orzhovboss wrote:
#lynch orzhov
just why?

why not?

uhm. idk.
thought we were taking out dea/politicians first but idk.