Money & Masks 2
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Hoodlum wrote:
you think marion is mafia? or is it because she is montague?
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
you will have to come up with something more solid than your guesses of 5 people to get people on board for this lynch. why would you even provoke a known +2 voter, +1 voter at this stage? are you hoping to test to see if the + votes work vs yours and your support?
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
it's funny that you are listening to the desperate neutral about the illegal votes purchased. it's probably you who purchased 1, so then you can contest to save the neutral. that might be your plan.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Anaxagore wrote:
I don't care at any moment about saying someone powerful could be mafia.
I made this list cause others looks very towny for me.
Elysium is probably town.
Mada is probably town from an opposite house (as it make sense for each house to have some kind of investgator).
These 2 form for me the towncore. As long as we stay united, things are fine.
Rockbert spent all his cash in camera and although it can help mafia, it loos like he really tried to solve things.
Ready4war lied openly about his Pm and i don't think he would do that really early as mafia.
And milnejw is inactive now, but looked really towny before (but i could be wrong here).

If you really want to give me the shop, of course i will help us solve the game once i have it, but if the same people who gave me the shop, try to get rid of me tomorrow, well they will be likely mafia with an agenda.
Hoodlum wrote:
i think you are in a good position to be the shop.
you got some cash now. you know what the shop is about. your faction is anonymous for now. you can help town find mafia.
at this rate, mafia don't seem to have any luck with anyone, timing is better now than later
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
AlexCheckMate wrote:
4 votes on me already and I've heard there's been 2 extra illegal votes bought
Seems likely it's indeed the mafia going after the shopkeeper; would be strange to assume some other group/random people to be this organised.

Would someone be so kind to collect all information that's been posted (80 pages here..) on/by/about Bluegoetz (or someone else)? Perhaps I can piece something together about his mask/activities/purchases.

wait. why wouldn't you have been trying to piece it all together to start with? i don't believe you can win with any faction. you have to win by yourself.
why didn't you distract mada, to prevent him from exposing your suspicious income? saving up for something? oil? poison?

I've simply not been (able to be) active (enough). It's a weak excuse; but it's the truth. Haven't got something else to hide behind. I've mentioned this before.

Distracting town would be a hostile move; why would I? I don't mind which side wins (I can win with either); but I think that at this point in the game, it's easier to win along with town, so I'd play for town.

To distract, I'd have to go outside and thereafter explain why I'd left my house - dumb move for me.

For mafia it's good to have a non-mafia lynch; especially if it's with a rather unanimous, as that can then lead to some internal conflict
Furthermore; a lot of information would be lost with the demise of the shopkeeper. It's in the interest of town to not just throw that away.
And obviously, it's not harder for mafia to target player A for a nightkill than player B. So why would they want to eliminate the first shopkeeper in the night, rather than shopkeeper 2/3/etc in the night (after the first one with a lynch).

I can't think of any positive effects, for town, as to why to lynch the shopkeeper.

Why do you think the shopkeeper has a solo victory condition? Especially with this tax auditor role; would be virtually impossible for the shopkeeper to stay undetected for the length of the entire game. Would make the role strong, yet practically impossible to win with. This is not the case.
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
Hoodlum wrote:
we aren't eliminating the shopkeeper, we are eliminating a neutral.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
it's not like you are going to admit that you will help mafia, or that you are a non hostile neutral. what else could you say? you aren't here to not win with town. town is two factions. which faction? the one you choose wins?
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
AlexCheckMate wrote:
it's not like you are going to admit that you will help mafia, or that you are a non hostile neutral. what else could you say? you aren't here to not win with town. town is two factions. which faction? the one you choose wins?

Are you saying what you wish to say? Because your writing doesn't reflect it, if I can predict what you wish to convey.

Yes non hostile.
Yes not here to not win with town.

As for the second part... if the first shopkeeper gets eliminated, a new will rise. This one will quite likely be part of any of the 3 houses (mafia; town 1; town 2 - thus most likely town). Which would indeed bring upon us the internal town feud, which is only to the benefit of mafia. You seem to have deduced this yourself too; yet decide to act against your logic?

Current shopkeeper is impartial for either side - that's a good thing, for (the entire) town.
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
Hoodlum wrote:
i re-read what i wrote and it didn't make much sense lol.

basically, your desperate to stay alive like TLM, and will say whatever you have to, to stay alive, except you'll do it with class.

logic is simple for my win clause. i don't win with a hostile neutral, and i can win without a non hostile neutral if that even exist. there is no non hostile neutral in the written ratio.

Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Rockbert wrote:
i'm pretty certain mafia is included within these players:
rheisel, Hoodlum, Bluegoetz, marion, Mdhaglund

Catching up this morning, so much to read and so much fun to see it all unfold! I think killing the shopkeeper at this time, (assuming it is in fact AlexCheckMate) I think is not a good idea as it appears it will bring about the outright bloodshed. To borrow from Rheisel's statement, "slow play," I think that has been working overall, but it also feels like there is a tension building up that when it explodes is going to get ugly. That being said, I have had suspicions about all of these included in the list above, but I would add one, and that's Ready4War. Anax may be right that R4W is town, I just don't know for sure. I'm not sure what to think of Hoodlum, he's a wild card to me.

Unfortunately, the cameras/watchmen have not yielded the smoking gun evidence I thought they would. I set them up on people I had a hunch might be mafia, and there are others I wanted to set up but I don't want to be overzealous and wind up helping mafia out, so I stopped. I think Rheisel could be mafia, but not sure. He says just enough to get noticed but has been pretty quiet throughout. Marion, she plays the newbie card, which I get, but she's also closely affiliated with seasoned players and I think that could benefit her (no offense meant Marion). She too has been very sporadic in her postings. MDHaglund, also very quiet, only seems to post when it comes time for a vote. He did vote for me to be the Lord of Verona, but it was obvious from the start that nobody was voting for me, so that would have been a safe bet. He may be neutral too and intended to throw away his vote. In the end, he voted for Rheisel. Then, Bluegoetz and Marion both voted for Anaxagore, but as Bluegoetz said in post #1283:

"VIrt I did switch my vote, it may have sounded like sarcasm but it wasn't.
I don't think the lord of Verona is gonna win the game this round "

that's a safe move if you're mafia and worried about being found out.

So, for the moment, I am going to say #LYNCH Bluegoetz
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
Ryomyr wrote:
Rockbert wrote:
He says just enough to get noticed but has been pretty quiet throughout.

Check the posting stats, Rockbert!  I am in it to win it! ;) 

(Seriously though, I think Virt is tracking this data. :) )
AlexCheckMate wrote:
i re-read what i wrote and it didn't make much sense lol.

basically, your desperate to stay alive like TLM, and will say whatever you have to, to stay alive, except you'll do it with class.

logic is simple for my win clause. i don't win with a hostile neutral, and i can win without a non hostile neutral if that even exist. there is no non hostile neutral in the written ratio.

Haha, good :p was a little flustered.

No, I'm not desperate. I feel I owe it to the host and all participants to not simply roll over and accept such a faith. The role I have deserves some effort to try and avoid getting eliminated. For everyone to be able to enjoy/experience the game to the fullest.

I won't say whatever; I never do. I stick to my morals and do not sell out. I value someone's word, as I do my own.

The shopkeeper isn't a hostile neutral. In the ratio neutrals are called just that; neutral. It doesn't specify they're (all) hostile. Seeing you mention you can win with a non hostile neutral; you (banking on the assumption of town) have got nothing to fear from the current shopkeeper.

As a side note; I've purchased about 10 disguises; if I had deemed it smarter, I would've concocted some kind of alternative role to hide behind.

@Bluegoetz I had thus far refrained from lynching you; I suppose I should follow your lead and lynch the other lynch candidate, for the time being.

#Lynch Bluegoetz
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
Ryomyr wrote:
On the topic of Rockbert:  the very straightforward play of setting watchmen/cameras around town.

I see that Anax wants to pass this off as "trying to solve things."  I don't know.  This is Rockbert's third mafia game, and this is an easy excuse for a mafia to employ. (i.e., "I am new and just trying to solve things.";)  Who has placing watchmen all around town really benefitted? 

With regard to Anax: does this "I am trying to solve things and therefore I am town" really workout often as a town strategy?  We don't really have any hard evidence that Anax is town, just well-constructed arguments. 

Ely, on the other had, has provided hard evidence.
Mada, hard evidence.
2ofClubs, soft evidence

Finally, Alex.  ...  Why assume the shopkeeper is neutral?  I think the pressure campaign needs to yield some additional detailed information. Crowbars, anonymous mask purchases... come on ... we are more serious than those two nuggets!
