02. ely (R)
03. dough
![almost crying (S)](
04. madag
05. marc (R)
06. cheeky (K)
07. halesy (R)
08. anax (R)
09. husk (R)
10. vicious (R)
11. jimmy (R)
12. jimi (R)
13. skarni (R)
NIGHT 001. Kyla (R) - Used DBPV - Purchased DBPV
02. ely (R) - Used DBPV - Shot Skarni (fail) - Purchased DBPV
03. dough
![almost crying (S)](
- Used DRBPV - Purchased DRBPV got advantage (= immunity lynch, use at any 1 time during day phase)
04. madag
![almost crying (S)](
- Used DRBPV - Purchased DRBPV
05. marc (R) - Used DBPV - Purchased nothing
06. cheeky (K) - No action Night 0
07. halesy (R) - Used nothing - Purchased bullet
08. anax (R) - Used DBPV - Purchased DBPV
09. husk (R) - Used DBPV - Purchased DBPV
10. vicious (R) - Used nothing - Purchased bullet
11. jimmy (R) - Shot marcesk (fail) - Purchased bullet
12. jimi (R) - Shot anax (kill) - Used DBPV - Purchased DBPV - Stole bullet + DBPV (anax items)
13. skarni (R) - Shot anax (fail) - Used DBPV - Purchased bullet
anax died*Jimi & skarni shot at anax, minutes within each other. skarni shot first. jimi's shot killed anax
DAY 101. Kyla (R)- Lynch jimmy
02. ely (R) - Lynch marc
03. dough
![almost crying (S)](
- Lynch marc - Used Immunity lynch
04. madag
![almost crying (S)](
- Lynch skarni
05. marc (R) - Lynch jimi
06. cheeky (K) - Lynch jimi - Kidnap ely
07. halesy (R) - Lynch huskers
09. husk (R) - Lynch marc
10. vicious (R) - marc
11. jimmy (R) - Lynch dough
12. jimi (R) - Lynch marc
13. skarni (R) - Lynch marc
vote count.
jimmy x 1
marc x 6skarni x 1
jimi x 2
huskers x 1
dough x 0
NIGHT 101. Kyla (R) Shot vicious, Use DBPV, Purchase DBPV,
02. ely (K) was kidnapped
03. dough
![almost crying (S)](
*earns Immunity Advantage (dodge bullets), Purchase - lynch vote
04. madag
![almost crying (S)](
Use DRBVP, Purchase DRBPV
06. cheeky (R) Purchase DBPV
07. halsey (R) Shot vicious (fail she was vested 1st shot), Shot ely (fail is kidnapped)
09. husk (R) Use DBPV, Purchase DBPV
10. vicious (R) Use DBPV, Purchase DBPV
11. jimmy (R) Use DBPV, Purchase Bullet
12. jimi (R) Use DBPV, Purchase Bullet
13. skarni (R) Shot ely (fail is kidnapped), Purchase DBPV
Halsey shot vicious, vicious wore vest, kyla shot vicous, vicious died, kyla earns (+vote & vest +bullet)
Vicious diedDAY 201. Kyla (R) #lynch jimmy1066 x 2
02. ely (K) #Lynch Myself, #Kidnap Cheeky (earn 2 x dbpv)
03. dough
![almost crying (S)](
#LYNCH jimmy1066
04. madag
![almost crying (S)](
Lynch Dough_Boy
06. cheeky (R)
07. halesy (R)
09. husk (R) #LYNCH JIMMY1066
11. jimmy (R) Vote dough_boy
12. jimi (R)
13. skarni (R)
vote count.
jimmy1066 x 4
ely x 1
doughboy x 2
kyla x 1
*jimmy1066 is lynchedRemaining players current items
NIGHT 2 01. Kyla (R) 2 x vests 1 x bullet (wear vest) purchase vest
02. ely (R) 2 X vests (wearing both vests) purchase vest
03. dough (S)Vest x1, Negative Lynch x 2 (game advantage gravedigger, earned gun/bullet/vest) (shoot mad, wear reflective vest, purchase negative vote)
04. madag
![almost crying (S)](
Vest x 1, Negative Lynch x 1 (wear reflective vest) purchase r vest
06. cheeky (K) KIDNAPPED
07. halsey (R) vest x 1, $100 (wear vest) purchase vest + bullet
09. husk (R) 1 x bullet, 1 x vest (wear vest) purchase vest
12. jimi (R) 1 x vest, 2 x bullets (missed time) $100
13. skarni (R) 1 x vest (purchase bullet)
dough shoots mad, bullet deflects off mad and deflects off dough. (both wearing DRBPV) kills mad. dough earns DRBPV + negative lynch vote. jimi shot dough, but orders in 2 minutes after deadline DAY 301. Kyla vote huskers
02. ely no vote
03. dough vote cheeky
06. cheeky no vote
07. halsey vote
09. husk no vote
12. jimi vote cheeky
13. skarni no vote
*huskers x 2cheeky - 6
both die. huskers majority, cheeky (mod kill)
current items for night 301. Kyla (R) 2 x vests 1 x bullet #shoot GeneralHansely#protect myself#buy vest
02. ely (R) 1 X vest wear vest : no purchase ($100)
03. dough
![almost crying (S)](
R Vest x1, vest x 1, Negative Lynch x 3 wear r vest purchase r vest
07. halsey (R) vest x 1, bullet x 1 + $100 - didn't make any action
12. jimi (R) 1 x vest, 2 x bullets, $100 Shoot ely (ely protected), wear vest (jimi protected), buy 2 dbpv
13. skarni (R) 1 x vest, 1x bullet purchase bullet
*kyla kills halsey. earns vest x 1, bullet x 1 + $100DAY 402. ely didn't lynch
03. dough lynch kyla
12. jimi lynch doughboy
13. skarni lynch kyla
kyla lynched. NIGHT 402. ely #Purchase Vest #Purchase Bullet
03. dough wear regular vest, purchase bullet.
12. jimi buy bullet proof vest shoot doughboy, buy bullet. (put his order in last)
13. skarni Double shot dough, wear vest, purchase negative lynch vote 01:20 pm
skarni shoots dough, doughs regular vest saves self, skarni shoots dough again, dough is dead, jimi shoots a dead dough02. ely *current items = vest + bullet
12. jimi *current items = 1 bullet + 2 bullet proof vest
13. skarni *current items = 5 x negative lynch vote, +2 vote for today, reflective vest, bullet
DAY 502. ely lynch jimi
12. jimi did nothing
13. skarni lynch elysium
ely was lynchedNIGHT 512. jimi did nothing.
13. skarni #saveme with the reflective vest #shot Jimi #purchase vest standard