2 facts 1 lie
  • 54 posts
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CheekyTeeky wrote:
Maafi got it right #2 - I shuffled back in my rave days but not on a platform and not to Calvin Harris.
You have a keen military mind Pod...
4960epic wrote:
Alright folks, my turn:

1) I have had supper and conversation with the Vice President.
2) I was once knocked unconscious in a soccer scrimage as goalie from a kick to the head.
3) I broke my left leg from falling off a grain bin.
Jimi wrote:
Yea do you mean left leg??
If not I would go with 2

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

maafi wrote:
Vice President of what? The local farming collective?

I’ll say 3
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
maafi is online.
4960epic wrote:
Maafi and Cheeky have it, Ive never fallen off of a grain bin lol.
@maafi, current US Vice President but before he was Vice President.
#2 happened as I dove for the ball my teammate kicked for it and connected with the side of my head, knocked the lights out.