Politics? What do you think?
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GriffinUcos wrote:
Apologies, should have been, Farspaceplace!
"Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon."
farspaceplace wrote:
Yes, of all dedicated donations to DT s "fraud investigations" about 60 percent, can be used and taken by himself. Great, now he also robs his followers to covers his personnel losess (like he did with his failed casinos - "im a successful businessman" - (as long as poor investors pay for my mistake of course!). 
The_Bishop wrote:
This is my independent source of news on the Biden's fraud subject ;)

«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Dima wrote:
I am from europe, so i wanted to ask some americans, whats their view on the election, do you believe in fraud, or a civil war? whats ur opinion on the mainstream media?
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
Dima wrote:
and is it true that there are many racial violent tensions now in the us?
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
the country is very divided - many, many conservatives (republicans) believe there was massive voter fraud that lead to a biden win. others think there was fraud but not enough to change the results. many democrats think that there was no fraud and if there was it was ok because it is justified to get rid of trump.
the liberals have taken over the media, main stream news, and the education system (very smart of them) and i see no way to overcome that due to high % of people who believe whatever they say and are swayed by what is such a biased slant on the news reporting and making. plus the younger generation is being fed this in schools.
i would like to see a breakup of the usa since there is such a divide. there is now no way a government can do the will of the people when it is 50/50 and the agendas are sooooooo different.
racial tensions are very high and promoted to be that way certain groups because it plays into their agenda
Live long and prosper
dough_boy wrote:
The problem is we are too entrenched in our views. The left with their cancel culture, and the right with their supremism.

Two days before the election they boarded up an expensive part of the town I live in. Why? Because they thought Biden would win and Trump supporters would protest? Nope, because they feared if Trump would win the left would riot. I don't use that term loosely. It is one thing to protest, but when he won in 2016 there were literally riots in all major cities. Are there any riots this time?

In the end, the President is the face of America and it was Trumps own undoing. All he had to do was one less tweet, one less insult, show some sense of decorum, etc. He was always playing to his base, but he forgot about those that are in the middle that ultimately decides the election.

I also don't think there was fraud. I think that the Democrats were able to take advantage of mail-in voting. Get a copy of the voter rolls, find the thousands who haven't voted in decades, go to their house, help them request a ballot. Then, go back when the ballot arrives and help them fill it out and drop in the mail. Republicans relied on their base coming out in person...the only way they win the two senate seats is to do what the left did and help those who haven't voted in a while vote mail-in.
God_of_War wrote:
I am from europe, so i wanted to ask some americans, whats their view on the election, do you believe in fraud, or a civil war? whats ur opinion on the mainstream media?

My POV is this.. I have been a Republican nearly my whole life (nearing 40 now) however, I voted against Bush and against Trump both times

- Against Bush because I thought he was an idiot - I think this is still a fair assessment based on his grades. But he is smart in other ways. I just didn't like the guy and refused to vote for someone because they were the Son of another president that led us to War.
- Against Trump both times because I always thought he was a con-artist and never truly helped anyone but himself. I disliked all the family connections in the WH and in the end after 4 years, he was just an embarrassment.

In terms of fraud in the election. I do not think it occurred at any "large scale" other than your dummy here and there that tried to vote twice, or vote using their dead mom or dad as well. My reasoning for this is that it is nearly impossible to pull off a "voter fraud scheme". Depending on your way of implementing this kind of fraud, you would have to do the following:

1) make sure you are not doubling up the same registered people (the system will check for this)
2) make sure you are not putting in votes for dead people (the system checks for this)
3) make sure the votes are not more than the voting population (the system checks for this)
4) make sure any paper trails would not exist (many states require paper back-up, and when recounted like WI and GA, as examples, the votes still ended up nearly the same)
5) you would have to CONVINCE too many non-hardcore county representatives and local municipalities to be in on the grand scheme (nearly impossible considering we are talking about 100's of people in each county)
6) Any Citizen knows or should know that if they are caught fraudulently voting that more than likely, they will be serving jail time. Every case in my state has gone to jail that I know about for the past 20 years. You can count on 1 hand how many convictions that has totaled up to being. Also, the people who did this are dumb as dumb can be. (also always WHITE if that matters). I'm white too, there are a lot of dumb white folk.

On to the Media... I cut cable nearly 6 years ago, so I don't watch ANY news source. Sure I can go online but I take everything with a grain of salt. My biggest way of knowing if I trusted Trump was my own eyes and ears of how he acted, how he BS'd his way through his campaign speeches, and simply how he only seemed like a Con-man every step of the way. 

There was a point when I listened to one of his speeches pre 2016 win that I thought, yeah that makes sense, but that lasted about 3 mins before he kept rambling on and clearly was lying about things again or embellishing them so beyond reasonable. An example of this is when he would say that the unemployment rate in America was 23%. The real unemployment rate was hovering around 6% at the time, but he thought he could raise this to count everyone that wasn't working whom was an adult and probably teens too. I don't really know how he made this number up, but I work in a job where we know the unemployment rate and the %'s of it all the time.  But guess what, as soon as he took office, guess which rate he said was the unemployment rate... yep 6%. Suddenly he cut the rate by 17% just by stepping into the WH and not doing anything ... AND HIS SUPPORTERS ATE IT UP.

So, just one example, but most of us don't need the Media to tell us a story, you could just listen and watch for yourself. 

You also asked about the racial tensions. Ok, so again, white guy here, and I have empathy and sympathy for Non-White that just want to feel equal and not have to feel like when they go out in public they have to be on their toes and looked at differently.  All they wanted was for people to recognize that thier lives mattered too. That's it. Not a hard concept. 

Yet, here we are with Blue lives and All lives, and whatever else lives. It's stupid. Like, ya no kidding that all those lives matter too (although no one is born blue), but just recognize the injustice they receive. How much longer their prison sentences are compared to crimes committed by white folks, or how often they are pulled over when their population in areas' is a tenth of white people, yet they are pulled over 3x as often. That doesn't make sense and WHITE people would feel the same way if they were always disturbed on a daily basis. Overall, I don't think this is a hard concept to get behind, these are AMERICANS that deserve to have every freedom and right that everyone else has. We can, at a minimum, recognize this issue, and try to work towards solving it or at least making it better step by step.

On the riots, yes I do not agree with them, but also am not stupid enough to think they were all started by Non-Whites.  There are video evidence of plenty of white folks, dressed all up in camo, breaking windows and then leaving, with many of them tied back to white power groups or even the police themselves. It's disgusting all around. But it is also much safer and easier for police to handle the situation by NOT fighting back and taking the video's and arresting culprits after the fact. It seems to work out a little better in situations where the police AGREE with the injustice and join the protesters to help keep things civil. We saw plenty of examples of that happening where they are upset too and show that empathy. And frankly, if the police killed my kid, someone in my family or a friend, I would be pissed off too and want to break stuff to send a message back, UNLESS, they were treated exactly how any of us would be treated with an arrest and a pending court room appearance, because this is how the justice system is supposed to work. I had my two best friends killed due to a driver that did not obey the laws (50+ mph over the limit, drove across a DIVIDED two lane highway, going so fast his vehicle was AIRBORRNE and smashed my friends right in the windshield with the front of his car). If he would have been set free and never arrested for his crimes, I would have protested and demanded justice just like everyone else is demanding justice. A little different of a situation because this idiot was not a police officer, but close enough scenario that we allow the justice system to play out for any citizen as if we are all equal in it, even though, we know that is not true at all.

Anyway, hoped this helped answer the question. I'm just 1 American, thankfully there are many like me, but dreadfully, to me, there are many who just don't care about their neighbors or our rights for all citizens, like they should, IMO.
Hi there!
Dima wrote:
THanks for the answers. I rly enjoyed reading them and ill appreciate reading more. America is my fav country and wanna Visit it one Day.

Can you tell me whether there are any differences between the states? Is it True that Americans of european descent are minoriry in many states (i am from europe myself). And in what states is it easier to get a Job? What states are criminal/danger us? Is the legality of weapons a Bad thing, does it lead to more homicides/crime or is it better for safety? Is it True that many Americans are dieIng from the drug Epidemie?
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
I think the fraud was evident to many, but almost invisible to TV news watchers.
TV's and social medias teach people that Trump is an obsessed madman and a dangerous president. The 'free net' teaches people that Biden is a criminal collaborating with the China communist party. The goal (imho) is to divide as most as possible the American pubblic and there's quite a risk they will achieve the wanted result (unfortunately). Trump or Biden doesn't change much, they belong to the same mafia. The theatre fraud was a really ingenious mean to cause internal conflicts. Please, friends of mine, don't fall into the trap, live in peace, be friends one another and let politicians fight their wars in person if they want.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
dough_boy wrote:
THanks for the answers. I rly enjoyed reading them and ill appreciate reading more. America is my fav country and wanna Visit it one Day.

Can you tell me whether there are any differences between the states? Is it True that Americans of european descent are minoriry in many states (i am from europe myself). And in what states is it easier to get a Job? What states are criminal/danger us? Is the legality of weapons a Bad thing, does it lead to more homicides/crime or is it better for safety? Is it True that many Americans are dieIng from the drug Epidemie?

Hmmm...I don't think that people of "European Descent" are treated differently, but I am from the middle of the country where everyone gets along. I travel a lot, so I think a lot of Europeans likely go to more prominent cities like NYC or Chicago.

What line of work do you do or do you want to do? With COVID it has made more jobs "remote" (or at least the possibility of it).

I wouldn't say the legality of weapons is a bad thing. Chicago has the toughest gun control laws in the country, but yet they lead the nation in gun-related deaths. This fact alone should point out that laws don't really mean anything. Occasionally you have a nut job who goes on a shooting rampage (which is illegal), but I don't think they care about laws or punishment.

Yes, we have lost over almost 350,000 to COVID...and it will likely be closer to 425,000 by the time it is all done. To keep this in context, we have had almost 20 MILLION known cases. This is a death rate of 1.75%. Granted of the population, it is closer to .1% of the population. COVID itself hasn't killed anyone, it just overwhelms the body and other things ultimately kill the person.
God_of_War wrote:
 COVID itself hasn't killed anyone, it just overwhelms the body and other things ultimately kill the person.

So they would have died w/o COVID of the same causes? Where are you going with this comment?
Hi there!
Mdhaglund wrote:
COVID itself hasn't killed anyone, it just overwhelms the body and other things ultimately kill the person.

You could say this about almost any other disease. Cancer, HIV, allergies, etc. What's your point?
God_of_War wrote:
COVID itself hasn't killed anyone, it just overwhelms the body and other things ultimately kill the person.

You could say this about almost any other disease. Cancer, HIV, allergies, etc. What's your point?

Falling from a plane doesn't kill you.. it's that your organs and bones suddenly explode. This is what kills you, internal organ and bone detachment failures.

I believe I am on par with the same logic.
Hi there!