A new killer was lurking in the shadows. And this time, there wasn't anyone around to help the victim. The sound of a single gunshot could be heard, and then silence as blood pooled around a lifeless mingled body.
Kellyxc92 has been found dead.
Kelly's role PM
Welcome to Lordes and Ladies Mafia! You are the Royal Bodyguard, a member of the Royal Court.
You do not have any powers. However, your job is to protect the Princess. If she is to perish, the game will be ended. You will sacrifice yourself in the first kill attempt on her unless it is a lynch, in which case she will not be able to escape. For technicality purposes, your automatic night action will be to visit the Princess and stand guard. You win once all anti-town roles are eliminated.
The killer had done the deed. The Princess weeped for the loss of a friend, fearing that she would be next.
A new killer was lurking in the shadows. And this time, there wasn't anyone around to help the victim. The sound of a single gunshot could be heard, and then silence as blood pooled around a lifeless mingled body.
[spoiler]Kellyxc92 has been found dead.
Kelly's role PM
Welcome to Lordes and Ladies Mafia! You are the Royal Bodyguard, a member of the Royal Court.
You do not have any powers. However, your job is to protect the Princess. If she is to perish, the game will be ended. You will sacrifice yourself in the first kill attempt on her unless it is a lynch, in which case she will not be able to escape. For technicality purposes, your automatic night action will be to visit the Princess and stand guard. You win once all anti-town roles are eliminated.[/spoiler]
The killer had done the deed. The Princess weeped for the loss of a friend, fearing that she would be next.