a place to show off your screen name
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urgul wrote:
whats behind your screen name?
mines the sound a soldier makes be4 he dies...
BrewDog wrote:
And how do you know the sound of a soldier dying? That's rather intense.
urgul wrote:
hmm... i guess ur right. in like cartoons and stuff, they make weird gurgulling noises.
btw u got a nice new avatar...
BrewDog wrote:
Its my old avatar. I changed it when I won DRST II and have had a string of bad luck so I'm back to the dog!
lifeinpixels wrote:
Urgul I thought yours was in reference to the creatures from that Eragon book series.
urgul wrote:
???  whats Eragon?
whys everyone so shocked at my screen name?
there are people's screen names like 'sygmassacre' and 'killrick'
i think mine is more moderate compared to theirs
Sygmassacre wrote:
Leave me out of it lol
massacre (mas-uh-kah)
Informal. a crushing defeat, especially in sports
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Thorpe wrote:
How about...Thorpe...It is my last name...simple...no games other than "Risk"
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
KhalBer wrote:
Khalber: Khal obviously comes from the books A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Marting. I was into them when I started playing risk here. ber is the first three letters of my first name
killrick wrote:
for the record i dont have a death wish for all thoses named rick
i chose the name because when i play on a board with my risk buddies they start each game with a chant kill rick kill rick kill rick.....
Sygmassacre wrote:
Someone asked the other day what a syg is. My handle is actually derived from the Greek letter sigma. The three consonants are my initials S.G.M. I just changed the i to a y
One of my all time fav songs is 'Pure Massacre' by Silverchair so I combined the two together

So now it's my handle for everything from fantasy NFL and MLB to online poker and now this site
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Cireon wrote:
My name just sounds nice...
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card