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Hoodlum wrote:
map suggestion by @bilsi
london postcodes (click to show)
Pntbttr wrote:
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've regularly played risk here or contributed to map creation. I would like to get back into this in the little free time that I have, however, any map creation I do will take significantly longer now that I have more responsibilities in life and I can't guarantee anything. I've also barely touched any image editing software since I stopped making maps over a decade ago so any graphic design skills I may have had are going to be rusty.

If I get back into map creation, I would first like to recreate and improve the maps I've worked on in the past. I'm posting here because I want input on what needs or doesn't need improvement and what that process would look like. For instance, if I dramatically alter the gameplay of a map or even change the scope enough that the map requires a different name would that be okay? If I want to start improving these maps do I need others to express interest first and should I open new threads or use the old threads?

The three maps I'm most interested in improving are the Dominican Republic, Central America, and Eastern Asia.

For the Dominican Republic, I want to at least make some name changes and improve the aesthetics. For instance, it looks like I based the region names on the development regions established in 2004, but some of the region names are incorrect. The green region should probably be called Valdesia and the brown region should be called Ozama or maybe even Higuamo. I was also considering adding impassibles and possibly doing the whole island of Hispaniola.

It doesn't look like the Central America map has gotten much play and it has a lot of overlap with the West Indies map. I was considering focusing in on the seven countries that are typically included in the definition of the region and removing Mexico, Cuba, and Jamaica. Alternatively, I could focus on a different time period and convert it into a map of the Federal Republic of Central America from 1823 to 1839.

The Eastern Asia map has a lot of overlap with the Asia map. I also do not like the over saturated colors or the use of partial countries as territories (i.e. S. Russia, E. Tajikistan, N. Pakistan). I think I would narrow the scope of the map to the typical definition of East Asia, which would include China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and Taiwan. I would want to use the borders and names of real provinces for any divisions of the remaining countries.
The_Bishop wrote:
Wow look who's back!! :) Nice to see you back. I'm (perhaps) running a tournament in your honour, if I get enough players...
Actually I am mostly busy with Ancient Chess, ...

I like the most of your maps, Pntbttr, especially Dom. Rep. and East Asia and even Medit States which initially I was not a fan of. I don't know why you want to change everything now. If you change graphics, game-play and geography, then I think they are potential new maps.
Central America (to be punctilious) doesn't include Mexico, yes you are right, but it's acceptable I think, like Jersey City in the NYC map, just random example.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
Most of the map on this website suck.

What we need is more large & unusually shaped maps, like italy (stretched), med states (circle), france (hexagone).

Large maps are very competitive to play on, because on fog settings it is difficult for you to find out what is happening on the other part of the map.

I would love to finaly see theroman empire map made by hoodlum to be released. its very large and circle shaped with adjacent regions here and there (for example britain). The map is already finished, just r e l e a s e it ! ! ! The colors, the regions everything is ok. Just the names sucks, but it can be added later.

For new maps we could try the following:

1) Empire of alexander the great at its largest extension. It would be a stretched map similar to italy.

2) Russian federation. Also stretched but a bit thicker than the previous one or italy. I would even zoom closer in and divide the large republics/oblast such as krasnoyarsk, sacha, chukotka, irkutsk and so on into more territories to make the map larger.


3) The 4 empires of ancient eurasia: The roman, the persian, the mughal and the indian.


"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Rockbert wrote:
All fo respect Dima, I disagree that the maps suck. I like the ones we have here. I have played each and every map at least once. Some I like more than others, but don't think any suck. I would however luke to know if there are any thoughts on a Zelda related map? Like Breath of the Wild? I guess you would run into copyright issues though, so probably not.

What about an Arizona map?
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Hoodlum wrote:
All fo respect Dima, I disagree that the maps suck. I like the ones we have here. I have played each and every map at least once. Some I like more than others, but don't think any suck. I would however luke to know if there are any thoughts on a Zelda related map? Like Breath of the Wild? I guess you would run into copyright issues though, so probably not.

What about an Arizona map?
Spoiler (click to show)
an old project
partial Arizona I guess. i was looking to experiment more on this one.
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Maybe a feather should be added somewhere in some territories and for example whoever owns it will get some kind of extra bonus.(maybe these big ones won't be so empty)
I also think that these gray areas somehow don't go well with the letters.
by the way, I like the theme of the map and the way it looks
Hoodlum wrote:
The Italia map is great, it's actually what gave me inspiration to have a try at creating a map.
Rockbert wrote:
All fo respect Dima, I disagree that the maps suck. I like the ones we have here. I have played each and every map at least once. Some I like more than others, but don't think any suck. I would however luke to know if there are any thoughts on a Zelda related map? Like Breath of the Wild? I guess you would run into copyright issues though, so probably not.

What about an Arizona map?
Spoiler (click to show)
an old project
partial Arizona I guess. i was looking to experiment more on this one.

WOW! I would love to play that one!
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Pntbttr wrote:
Wow! I wasn't expecting to come back to a tournament in my honour. I really appreciate it Bishop. Thank you! Okay, I think you're right about changing the maps too much. I do think I'd like to rework the aesthetics and territory/region names on these maps, but I'll refrain from changing gameplay too much or at all. Granted, whether I ever have the freetime to work on this is still uncertain.

I disagree with Dima, one of the most played maps is Caribbean, and the Panama and Oregon Cities maps are two of my favorites. I think Arctic Circle might be one of the best maps made since I've been gone and obviously has a circle shape to it. I like a good 4 player game and it seems the site has leaned more toward larger games since I've been gone.

I would like to make a Great Lakes map at some point.
Rockbert wrote:
ooh! a Great Lakes map would be neat! What about a California map?
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann