Mexico to Panama
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Vexer wrote:
Nice. Like the style, the fonts, the colors.

But I don't like the dead zone. To me it looks gross. Maybe adjust the color or reduce the texture or change the texture or something. Not sure exactly what to tell you but try something.

The paper seems a tad blurry to me. Try effects->photo->sharpen on the texture layer and see if that helps.

If I counted correctly this map has 36 territories which is absolutely not allowed under any circumstances. You'll have to get rid of one of them.

These are probably not the regions that I would choose given these territories. But I will have to look at the game play later.
marcoxa wrote:
i think the land needs more texture as well. looks to plain to me.
Matty wrote:
The dead zone stands out too much. Its almost more deadzone than map :S, which will make it difficult for you to get right.

I really like your land, like always :)

What I really dont like is that all names on the bottom are outside the territories, and lined up that way. Some of them will fint inside the territory I guess.

The border of colima isnt very visible, it almost looks like Michoacan has two circles.

The ocean font is really childish. Maybe a bit too much.
The font on the land is nice, but really thin here and there.

Not sure about the background either, the colour is very nice though.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Pntbttr wrote:
dead zone color
fill in dead zone with something
sharpen texture
add more texture to land
merge Veraguas and Darien and name territory Panama
make Colima's border slightly bigger
change slanted text
make text bold (or bigger)
redo ocean font

@Vexer...I choose these regions because they are the real regions of Mexico (or something...I found a map with these areas)...but I will change them for game play if need be.

anything else?
Fendi wrote:
Nice map.

There are just a few things that I would like you to change:

I agree with everyone about the dead zone and with vexer about the background texture.

- What I want you to do is change some of the territory lines to make it more clear which territory can attack which:

1, Chaipas (yellow) and Veracruz (blue)
2, Guatemala (purple) and Quintana Roo (purple)
3, Hidalgo (orange) and Durango (green)

I know you are trying to make the map based on reality but sometimes you have to modify a few territories and their lines for example to make the circles fit better, or to make it clear for members which territory can attack which, etc.

- I dont think reality based regions will work on this map. They need slight modification to make the game play better.

- Im not a big fan of the ports you have chosen..But will think about it some more before deciding.
Thorpe wrote:
I think we need to keep the ports on all maps the same so players will not have problems...cause if we use the ships as ports then when another map show them they might think the are ports also...the big problem is that I like the the ships as ports!

I think we as mapmakers we should only use some type of anchors as ports...what do you guys think?
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Vexer wrote:
I really like the ships as ports as well but thorpe is right. there are maps with ships on them that are not ports and it might be confusing. We should make it a standard that all sea ports should be anchors. Can't do anything about panama since I don't have the source file though.
marcoxa wrote:
panama at least as that wheel thingy and not a ship though, so i think its fine
The_Bishop wrote:
Wow, I like maps based on reality! Btw I think some regions should be changed a little for the game. For example the blue one (the Gulf Coast region) is a row of 3 terries which border with 11! What bonus for a region like that? Or maybe you need to add mountains like Sierra Madre Occidental and S.M. Oriental... I don't know.

I like the ships too and I can not see that problem: there's a legend which explains what symbol the ports are represented with. Every map has a different style and I think that's good. Mountains and rivers are different in every map and every map has got a legend for impassables. Just those ships are a little too big for me.

Dead zone is a problem... How about to give a different orientation to the map?
I tried to turn it 20° and I think the result is great:
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The_Bishop is online.
Vexer wrote:
i think maybe you had a brain fart. I thought the title was central america not Mexico. I do like the style though and the dead zone is much better.

The entire map seems a bit over-saturated though. maybe tone it down a bit on the colors layer. just de-saturate the whole layer a bit.

Try a dark reddish brown for the mini map border. take a look at how it's done on the panama map.
Pntbttr wrote:
Oops! The map was going to be Mexico but I needed more territories and the name just stuck in my head...^_^
Matty wrote:
Wow, looks good!

Maybe its me, but "Ports: [logo] on the same ocean can't attack eachother."
Its not a sentance this way, cause if the colon.
It would be more logical to have
"Legend: [logo] Ports on the ... eachother"

And maybe it looks better without the word legend as well.

I love your decoration ships, but can you move the bottem most one a little bit more away from the shore?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria