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Matty wrote:
Well, what do I say.

It just looks good.
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lider wrote:
I know its offtopic, but this map can be offensive to some people. I understand that there would be too many regions due the present borders, but did you really had to create a "Greater Albania"(Albania, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo & Metohija)? Kosovo is still not fully recognized indipendent state and FYRM is. Its very sensitive issue, because of the ever-changing borders in this region(last one was 2006. when Montenengro voted indipendency from federation of Serbia and Montenegro). You are a cartographer, its your choice in the end, but i think theres more people from other states of Balkan, than Albaninans who are playing on this site.
PsymonStark wrote:
Sorry lider, I was afraid of hearing that from you since I started this map.

The only reason because I made a "Greater Albania" as you say, is for gameplay. What shall I do? Put all the countries apart? And then what bonus do I give to Kosovo? Macedonia would be a 4 territories, 4 frontiers region, and so...

I ask for comprehension with this topic. I am pretty sure that with every possible distribution some people will get angry, and I found this way to be more "playable". Think that finally this is a map for a game, and I hope every user acts in consequence.

I repeat, sorry to those who may be offended by the map, but I'm not influenced politically when I build my maps.

Thank you for your comprehension.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
lider wrote:
Why me? Nevermind i understand that you are here just because you want to create some nice maps (as you say with no politics involved in game)and maybe play few good games, but you have to understand that politics shape most of things in our world and this game is 100% influenced by politics and diplomacy. Its allright i dont want to be the annoying one, if people say this map is ok then ...ok. :)
But i have one question for all the cartographers on this site. Can somebody make an alternative map of the US, e.g. where N.M. is part of Greater State of Mexico or Texas is independent or maybe Washington is part Canada (lol) ? I would like to see that map and the reactions of people.
Thorpe wrote:
Our country is never changing the borders though.

The way to fix the problem is to date the map to a time era.

 Balkan Peninsula 1848 or what ever.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
PsymonStark wrote:
Well... if I'm not wrong, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, Greece and Turkey regions are actual regions... not past ones...

What can we do?
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
lider wrote:
Nothing. Most of the people just want to have a good relaxing game on a new map, they dont want to know the history of those countries and their nations. I appreciate your work, so goodluck with the new map.

-NoXoN- wrote:
I believe that Psymon was searching in google before he made borders.
 Wth is Metohija? oh let me guess... mmm it must be something in serbo-croatian language haha thats how they try to divide kosovo like they did with Bosnia (& Herzegovina)

 Great albania? i will call ETHNIC MAP OF ALBANIA.

 Maybe i will make map of Europe 1200 and i will show serbs in carpathian forest before they moved to balkan.
PsymonStark wrote:
Please, I don't want a political dispute on this topic. Remember that this is just a DXII map, not a real life one. I understand the politic trouble this topic yields, but I don't want a fight.

Thank you.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Thorpe wrote:

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Fendi wrote:

Nice to see another map from you PsymonStark.

I agree with most of the things Vexer has said. The improvements have been massive but I still think there is room for some more. The dead zone is still standing out compered to the land and sea, maybe lower the opacity of the texture a little bit more? The colour of it does not fit well with the colour you have chosen for the title, either change it or change the colour of the title.
Maybe its just me but I would prefer if you changed the colour of the title because right now it does not look appealing, it also looks blurry and blends in with the background. Reminds me of camouflage.
Just a question, why are only some of the territory lines showing on the mini-map? The lime green, purplish-blue and yellow regions to be exact. (I dont have time to read through the whole thread if the answer is in here somewhere)

The mini-map outline is a nice touch but I think the darker areas should be a bit darker, more like the colour of the title.

Take care.
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, good job Psymon! I like the colors, I like the style, I like the names in local languages. I liked them in the mini-map too. I think it's an excelent representation of the area.

[I'm sorry Lider, I can understand your feelings and politically I'm in your side. Kossovo is not recognized but unfortunately it is not Serbian anymore. Truth is truth. Kossovo actually is a non-country area, since Psymon has the right to treat it as he wants for getting the best game map.]

You really have heart to create a map of a complex area like that: with politic, ethnic and religious problems. Good choice to highlight the borders of the real states in the map and mini-map too. [This is what you asked, Fendi.] I think no one should get offended in this way.

My only doubt is about Bulgaria. Why did you divide it in two regions? I think it could be a big region with +5 bonus. It is not such important, but I like better whether a map is close to reality. Just my idea... If you don't like to unify Bulgaria for some reason, keep it divided.

One more thing. There's a little big problem: the image is not centered! Istanbul is almost out of the map. If your source is cut at that point maybe you can try to expand the image a little with free hand... Just a little.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
ARES00 wrote:
U mised Slovenia, but and this is grait if I can help U in any way U just tell me. I have 2 sugestions allready:
1. Put Sloveni in
2. Croatia have a lot (1001 I think) of islands so U can put one or two like teritory of Croatia
3. Kosovo have to be part of Serbia or alone, it wasn't part of Macedonia ever

I will tell people from former Yugoslavia for this and maybe they will have some sugestiones, but thanks a LOT for this

Cireon wrote:
You can't just add territories here and there, the gameplay also has to work out. The map maker has been inactive for a while, so maybe someone else will pick this map up.

Also about territories and regions: maps are made based on real situations, but gameplay is WAY more important than realism. So if we have to change the regions to make it work, we will :)
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card