Since two is greater than one
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Matty wrote:
Nice map, nice colours, pretty and bright.

They could be a bit less bright however, especially the cyan is standing out alot

Not sure too about the dark yellow region to the right either, maybe another colour would do better.

Maybe the yellow glow over the blue 'outside' shouldnt be yellow, it looks weird, a bit dirty.

And I really think you could use some texture on the land.

But overall a really nice map!
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Cireon wrote:
I think some textures are in place. I would also turn the brightness of the regions a bit down (I think you decrease saturation for that?). Other thant, that, I think it looks like an interesting map.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Thorpe wrote:
Love the ocean texture, the land which you have no bonus for and the over all layout.

With that said...

The mini map is overwhelming with the text and the number font I do not like.

The Maps here on this site does not look like the other site maps with coloring and please make them with texture.

Even the Europe 1814 map has a look that is bright yet has a great texture to it, but the whole map flows together.

The ocean and the land does not flow together on this map.

I know this is a little tough to come up with the right flow sometimes...but this is why I would say "Our worst map is better than your best"

I can tell you have made maps I know you can do better...sorry for being so picky.

I do like the work you have done so far..again did I tell you I liked the ocean and the neutral land around it?
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
very good start...

I like the colors but I think you could lower the saturation a bit
I would add a little more texture to the map
You can get rid of the country borders in the dead zone
The text is too hard to read...make the black part of the text thicker...
I personally don't like the title being yellow...

I love the map, can't wait to play on it...
PsymonStark wrote:
Awesome, the things I thought they were better, the sea and the dead land.

I'm working on everything you said now, but there is a little thing where I don't agree with you Pntbttr. I like to have those outer borders, because this way the dead land is still realist geographically talking. Though, I don't like very noticeable textures, so don't expect that from me.

And Thorpe, I think you aren't the pickiest of us. At least until you tell me to correct the bridges for 157th time :P
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Dsds7292 wrote:
The font is still way to big. The whole map feels kinda of cramped and claustrophobic. I think it will feel more 'open' and less cramped with a smaller font.

The yellow glow in the blue outside looks dirty.

I agree that the map is also way to bright. If you are playing a game long game, it could really hurt someones eyes.

This may be just me, but I really dislike how the bottom yellow region is 'cut off'

Other than that, I really like the map.
Vexer wrote:
There is no reason why the map can't be longer to show the rest of Italy and Greece. I agree with much of what Dsds said.

The font is too big. I also don't like the style.

The cloud texture in the dark blue dead zone doesn't look good. It would probably look better if that layer was 'overlay' instead of 'normal'

The map is so smooth that it looks fake - computer generated. Just a little bit of rough texture might help.
Matty wrote:
Apart from these comments, I also think the blue region can use some more colour - its very white.
Not brighter, but less white :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
PsymonStark wrote:
Ok, let's start...

There were two reasons for a cut Greece:

1. Originally it wasn't on the map. Then I added it, because 38 was a forbidden number for regions.

2. Adding the whole Greece would make 4/5 more regions. That would make 47/48 regions, also forbidden. Also, I would have needed to remake completely the outline and regions.

Other than that...

-Font changed,
-Texture added,
-Saturation lowered,
-Minimap NOT touched.

Is something better now?
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Matty wrote:
Wow that looks alot better!

The texture is nice, its still note that visible, but you got rid of the weird look quite well.
I like the territories on the outside look very good now as well.

Its mainly the brightness and the font I guess.
Maybe you should try to make the white border around the font a bit greyish
And about the brightnes, maybe dont change the saturation that much (you did improve btw), but the Lightness (or Value)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Dsds7292 wrote:
I like the improvements, but definitely experiment with your textures. I agree with Vexer that it is very smooth and looks computer generated.

Though the water is very good on its own, I don't believe that it fits with the map itself.

It still bugs me that the yellow region is cut off and so is the orange one to the right.

I like that he font is smaller, but I'd change the style.

Keep it up