a map where every map maker can contribute
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Leedog wrote:
I figured we would each create an island

Then see if Thorpe would do the ocean - provides a uniform ocean

Then have Butters do texture - provides uniform texture

Then we each color our islands and name them - decide on 1 font to provide further uniformity

Since Thorpe is making a map with most of the current players on it... we could use names for territories that have meaning to each of us... example = I would use "Riverdune" as one since it's my X-Box gamer tag.
Thorpe wrote:
Glad to help anyway I can.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
marcoxa wrote:
i still think we should just put them together and see what happens before we try anything else. mostly because i want to try the original idea before we officially say it wont work