a map where every map maker can contribute
  • 51 posts
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Matty wrote:
Like a Caribbean map 2???
Because I do t really like that map.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Leedog wrote:
This is the good part about having a forum, ideas can be discussed and agreed upon before implemented! :o
Pntbttr wrote:
People who have offered to help:
PsymonStark (wont be available for another 13 days)

Vexer and Thorpe have commented but have not said they would help.

I think we should get this map started...I will make a color layer with an island about 300x300 and then I will send the image to somebody that is also working on the map and they can make there island and I can keep sending it to people till we finish the color layer...then I will make the outline for my island and then send it around again then I can smooth the outline and send it around for texture...then text and then I will add the mini map and bonuses and it will be done...

What do you guys think...

the only people I don't have emails from are PsymonStark and Marcoxa, so please send me a message when you have the time...

we can't really do much for the next 13 days (on this map anyway) but then PsymonStark can do his island...

I can't do anything with it today but I will start tomorrow
Pntbttr is online.
Pntbttr wrote:
actually how about everybody makes an island about 300x300 and then send me it in an email...

OK are we all going to do different stuff with the outline and color layers?

This is how I am going to do my color layer and outline layers:

Color layer:
use paint bucket on whole canvas...
use pencil with different color to outline island...
fill in outline with paint bucket...(you may need to lower the tolerance)

Outline layers:
use size two paint brush to outline island (try to outline on the center of the color change)...
duplicate layer...
in duplicated layer draw territory borders with size two paint brush...
lower opacity of territory border layer...

select all...
cut (in color layer)...
resize to 101% (Best Quality)...
resize to 99% (Best Quality)...
paste (in color layer)...
Pntbttr is online.
marcoxa wrote:
ya everyone should go ahead and see what they come up with it. people can join still but for now we can get started on our ideas while we wait to see if other people want to join in.
Pntbttr wrote:

I didn't add texture to the ocean because I assumed we would do that later...I wasn't sure what to do for names so I used Google translate and translated words into Latin and then only used part of the word...the region name is Teri...

Once you guys finish your islands you can post them
Pntbttr is online.
PsymonStark wrote:
Well, let's see what you think:

Isle of Myasma

My names are randomly generated (by me) but I took some time to come with some that I liked, so I hope there is not any strong restriction about them...
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Pntbttr wrote:
...I think they look pretty good...but you can suggest how to make each island better...I think I am going to change the font and text color on mine...there is no ocean texture yet because we need to merge all of the islands...
Pntbttr is online.
marcoxa wrote:
i give you: The Island Of Juna
