People who have offered to help:
PsymonStark (wont be available for another 13 days)
Vexer and Thorpe have commented but have not said they would help.
I think we should get this map started...I will make a color layer with an island about 300x300 and then I will send the image to somebody that is also working on the map and they can make there island and I can keep sending it to people till we finish the color layer...then I will make the outline for my island and then send it around again then I can smooth the outline and send it around for texture...then text and then I will add the mini map and bonuses and it will be done...
What do you guys think...
the only people I don't have emails from are PsymonStark and Marcoxa, so please send me a message when you have the time...
we can't really do much for the next 13 days (on this map anyway) but then PsymonStark can do his island...
I can't do anything with it today but I will start tomorrow
People who have offered to help:
PsymonStark (wont be available for another 13 days)
Vexer and Thorpe have commented but have not said they would help.
I think we should get this map started...I will make a color layer with an island about 300x300 and then I will send the image to somebody that is also working on the map and they can make there island and I can keep sending it to people till we finish the color layer...then I will make the outline for my island and then send it around again then I can smooth the outline and send it around for texture...then text and then I will add the mini map and bonuses and it will be done...
What do you guys think...
the only people I don't have emails from are PsymonStark and Marcoxa, so please send me a message when you have the time...
we can't really do much for the next 13 days (on this map anyway) but then PsymonStark can do his island...
I can't do anything with it today but I will start tomorrow