Très cool l'Hexagone!
Nice idea from Cireon too, although I'm not sure how it will match with mountains, let's see what Hoodlum can do...
Territory names, I'm sorry, but they are a bit inaccurate:
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence weird shortening (better A.H.P.)
Hautes-Alpes dash is missing
Alpes-Maritimes dash is missing
Ardèche accent is missing
Ariège accent is missing
Bouches-du-Rhône accent is missing, dashes are missing
Calvados typo!
Corrèze accent is missing
Côte-d’Or accent is missing, dash is missing
Côtes-d’Armor accent is missing, dash is missing
Drôme accent is missing
Eure-et-Loir typo!, dashes are missing
Finistère accent is missing
Haute-Garonne dash is missing
Hérault accent is missing
Haute-Loire dash is missing
Loire-Atlantique dash is missing
Lozère accent is missing
Haute-Marne dash is missing
Meurthe-et-Moselle dashes are missing
Nièvre accent is missing
Puy-de-Dôme accent is missing
Pyrénées-Atlantiques accents are missing, dash is missing
Hautes-Pyrénées accents are missing, dash is missing
Pyrénées-Orientales accents are missing, dash is missing
Bas-Rhin dash is missing
Haut-Rhin dash is missing
Rhône accent is missing
Haute-Saône accent is missing, dash is missing
Saône-et-Loire accent is missing
Haute-Savoie dash is missing
Seine-Maritime dash is missing
Deux-Sèvres accent is missing, dash is missing
Tarn-et-Garonne dashes are missing
Vendée accent is missing
Haute-Vienne dash is missing
Essonne shortened ok
Dashes are not mandatory, but we should be consistent:
either all, either none.
Accents are normally mandatory, if we do not put them in the game-log I'm fine with that because they only generate problems there, but I would like to see them on the map.
Just for my information...
@Hoodlum, do you see my image in previous post, now? The image itself is nothing important, but I want understand if people see it, please.
Très cool l'Hexagone!
Nice idea from Cireon too, although I'm not sure how it will match with mountains, let's see what Hoodlum can do...
Territory names, I'm sorry, but they are a bit inaccurate:
[spoiler=See list]Alpes-de-Haute-Provence weird shortening (better A.H.P.)
Hautes-Alpes dash is missing
Alpes-Maritimes dash is missing
Ardèche accent is missing
Ariège accent is missing
Bouches-du-Rhône accent is missing, dashes are missing
Calvados [b]typo![/b]
Corrèze accent is missing
Côte-d’Or accent is missing, dash is missing
Côtes-d’Armor accent is missing, dash is missing
Drôme accent is missing
Eure-et-Loir [b]typo![/b], dashes are missing
Finistère accent is missing
Haute-Garonne dash is missing
Hérault accent is missing
Haute-Loire dash is missing
Loire-Atlantique dash is missing
Lozère accent is missing
Haute-Marne dash is missing
Meurthe-et-Moselle dashes are missing
Nièvre accent is missing
Puy-de-Dôme accent is missing
Pyrénées-Atlantiques accents are missing, dash is missing
Hautes-Pyrénées accents are missing, dash is missing
Pyrénées-Orientales accents are missing, dash is missing
Bas-Rhin dash is missing
Haut-Rhin dash is missing
Rhône accent is missing
Haute-Saône accent is missing, dash is missing
Saône-et-Loire accent is missing
Haute-Savoie dash is missing
Seine-Maritime dash is missing
Deux-Sèvres accent is missing, dash is missing
Tarn-et-Garonne dashes are missing
Vendée accent is missing
Haute-Vienne dash is missing
Essonne shortened ok[/spoiler]
[u]Dashes are not mandatory[/u], but we should be consistent: [u]either all, either none[/u].
Accents are normally mandatory, if we do not put them in the game-log I'm fine with that because they only generate problems there, but I would like to see them on the map.
Just for my information... @@Hoodlum, do you see my image in previous post, now? The image itself is nothing important, but I want understand if people see it, please.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein