The Black Sea and surrounding areas
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Moai wrote:
The Black Sea

Spoiler (click to show)

53 Territories
14 regions

Crimea is connecting to Krasnodar, I'll add the connecting line after some other editing suggestions, and Crimea will give Russia or Ukraine and added +1 if they control all of the region plus crimea.
Italy is a neutral territory but can be incorporated into Greece.
I can add some rivers which would make Romania more protected
And I could not add the circles since the image link is down.
I also need a new background and color scheme for some regions.

*I also just realised the spelling error in Constantinople
Cireon wrote:
Are the ports necessary? I don't think it's worth adding ports, since they often make things a bit more complicated, if it's not necessary for connectivity.

How are you planning to show the region bonuses? Right now there seems to be no room for a minimap.

Also, there's a typo in Constantinople, so maybe it's worth having the territory names double checked too.

Otherwise, interesting area choice. Curious to see what can be made from it. :)
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Moai wrote:
I just realised the error in Constantinople before you posted that, lol. Do you think it could work without the ports, I thought the game play might be too clogged, and it would allow one player to conquer easily. As far as the minimap I have no clue, I might do what the Baltic Sea map did, or maybe I can make room in the Mediterranean.
Antonis_xania wrote:
Also check Archaia (which means ancient in greek) you probably wanted to write Achaia.

if you expand the map in the right you can put the mini map in Caspian sea
Matty wrote:
I'm with Cireon that the map will probably be a lot more interesting without ports.
It will be more balanced and more like a generic map like all the others if you include the ports.

But think, if you don't include them, then the black sea is what will determine this map. Not only geographically, but also game play wise. Because it's such a huge obstacle here.
Of course, in deathmatch games you will simply have to make sure you have armies at both ends of the map. But then that's what makes a game interesting right?

Apart from that, I think it's better to not include Italy as territory, just grey it out and ignore it completely.

As for colours, I find the bottom right region (Iran, Jordan, SA) a bit confusing, almost like it's a sea / background / non-playable region.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
PsymonStark wrote:
I would use that bottom right part for mini map, and remove Saudi Arabia, send Jordan and Iraq to the pink region and put the mini map there (just half Iraq would be seen). I don't like that the yellow region takes so much space, while just being a small 1 bonus region. Also, maybe connect North Cyprus to Lebanon instead.

In a picture:
Spoiler (click to show)

I agree with graying out Italy, and I don't really like the naming of the blue region (Anatolia). Western Anatolia is the green region, and not the territory marked on the map. I also think that the ports don't really add much.

Ah and by the way, MediterrANean sea, is a typo. And Northern CaucASus, another. There are some colour faults in N Anatolia and south of Syria and Jordan.
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aeronautic wrote:
The guys have all pretty much said what I wanted to say.

One other thing that I don't think was mentioned. There's a line on the background (Sea) in the north of the Black Sea, it looks a bit like a connection line, could you please use your graphic skills and get rid of it?
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
The_Bishop wrote:
"Northern Caucus" is wrong, it should be "North Caucasus" (politically) or "Northern Caucasus" (geographically).
There is some non colored pixels in Northern Anatolia at the border with Armenia.
(Sorry for repeating, in fact it was already been pointed out by Psymon)
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The_Bishop is online.
Moai wrote:
Psymonstark I like your idea with the mini map, but after i add it should I get rid of SA entirely and Give Iraq to Iran, and Jordan to the Dark Purple region?
Moai wrote:
Black Sea Revised:
Spoiler (click to show)

Where should I add the tittle? And how is the font?

Also should I make a line connecting Crimea with Krasnodar or just make the region connect better at the peninsula?
I also forgot to edit the opacity i'll do that later...
Hoodlum wrote:
I like the location. Agree with what's been said by everyone already.
I'd say, have Crimea and Krasnodar touching. From the references I've looked at, it looks so.
The title would have to be in the sea where it is already is probably. Since it's probably going to be the title. bigger and bolder than the other seas.

Not a priority, probably positioning state atm with graphics..but if you're bored....there's a line in the background going through Caspian sea text that looks like the background image was overlapped, and then there's that brown spot down the bottom that looks like a freckle on someones back. grabbing some pixels from other spots can fix that up. Dunno though if you should bother with any graphics altering yet, until the gameplay is sorted, you might find that the whole thing might need to get re-done, with this picky bunch! lol Good start

ps: I can't see your avatar.
naathim wrote:
Really like that you chose this region! Something a little different! Seems like everybody's been giving you good pointers, so gourd headed in the right direction.

I would add that you might want to reduce the bonus for the eastern Eastern Turkey region. It's probably fine to leave it at 4,but I think that 3 would be more appropriate.

Very good work so far Moai! Keep it up!
aeronautic wrote:
One concern of mine before you start the graphics development.... The Dardanelles are missing from the map. The famous WWI Battle of Gallipoli was fought there by the Anzacs & the Turks and it is the focus of Australia & New Zealand's remembrance day (Anzac Cove).

I realise that it might appear to be connected land, but either (a) make it a connection if game play allows (b) exaggerate the Dardanelles Channel size so that it's intuitively separated.
The Sea of Marmara is there, only it's open to the Aegean Sea instead of sealing off the Naval route to the Black Sea, only accessible via the Dardanelles.

(Edit) Just to clarify, it's the Gallipoli Peninsula that is missing which creates the Dardanelles.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
Ok, let me provide the circles:
The site only uses the colours before light blue (included). If someone with permission can add them to the guide... that'd be great.

I think Russia and Ukraine should be given a 2. Because otherwise, if any of them controls it with Crimea it's a 4, and it's too much. And if anyone controlls both, he would get +8! 6 is a more than fair bonus for that big region. Serbia region should also be a 1, not a 2. And Anatolia a 3, too.

The title should go in the middle of Black Sea, as they already commented before. And the font is right for the territories, I think for the other seas, it sticks out too much. It's a bit difficult to read it on the legend of Crimea bonus.

I like how people gives feedback to this map. That means it's interesting for the community!
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