This early D12 map has been requested for a remake
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Fendi wrote:
This map is now finished. Everything about it perfect.

aeronautic has done a tremendous job on this and deserves a lot of praise and gratitude.
Vexer wrote:
Yeah, we have to call it. Not everyone is going to be satisfied. But as long as everyone can say the new is better than the old then we move on. Let's stop waiting and start enjoying. The map's beauty now matches its popularity. Thank you aeronautic.

NEW (click to show)

OLD (click to show)

(Edit aeronautic): The Old image has since been overwritten on the server, so it is showing the current map in live play. The old GB & Ireland image no longer exists apart from for those that have it cached.
naathim wrote:
Ooops, I meant the flag map! Not the mini-map! Too many maps :D

The yellow and orange on the flag map look very sickly.

As for the shading, I'm just calling it like I sees it. Clwyd and Glamorgan are blue. Clwyd in fact, looks like it should belong to N. England because the text shading and close proximity to N. England. I understand why and what you did, I'm just pointing out that what you did doesn't quite gel.

You might think about moving Kent down and to the right a bit so the territory circle will fit better and not be quite so close to Surrey's.
aeronautic wrote:
@naathim, wait until you see it with the circles on it and if it doesn't look right and has to be moved, I will do so and upload it again.
Also, Flag Map has been changed. It was overlooked on my part, sorry. It is intended to be smaller and darker than the mini map as it is not a game feature, only an information Gap filler.

Could I ask Vexer or Fendi to please unlock the map so that I can upload the new image and change the labels and circles?
GB optimised for upload (click to show)
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The_Bishop wrote:
Extremely Nice !!

Congrats everybody, Aeronautic specially for the hard work and the patience to accomplish everyone's taste.
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Matty wrote:
The font is a lot better, the flag map however is not really.

I don't like the flatness or dullness (gray-ish-ness - saturatedness) of the previous one, but I did like it having a different colour.
Especially having the territory lines on the flag map looks weird.
I do like how there is a bit of a drop shadow for the flag map, it now hovers a bit like everything else does.

I also kind of miss the seperated colours per territory, but I think if you add that in now, it'll only get worse. Amazing job so far, I just hope you can do a little bit about the flag map again, then it'll be one of the best maps on this site.

Or maybe not, as it probably already is.
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The_Bishop wrote:
Especially having the territory lines on the flag map looks weird.
I agree with this.

I think the flag map must stay without territories dividers and probably I would prefer England to be red and then darken and unsaturate all a bit. Or try totally different colours but possibly with 100% opacity because as it is now it looks a bit transparent. Or restore the previous one, in fact Matty was the only to complain about it. Probably it just needed a bit of shadow effect to avoid it to look so flat. Vivid colours are already in the flags, so the land is forced to be a bit greyish.
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aeronautic wrote:
Hmmm I don't know what to say really, but I'll try.

I can make these changes even though I deleted the old flag map from the source file when Matty reposted his concerns about the old one, it obviously had to go, I even had to make new regions for the flag map to have distinctive country regions and colours, I didn't think we'd be back to trying to get the perfect colours for the flag map like we did with the main map, because this is not a feature, it is a gap filler with a bit of country info that a lot of players may be unaware of.

It has sort of thrown me a bit and I was about to upload the map and change the territory names and circle positions to suit, at the speed of light so as not to affect live games too much.

I suppose I could ask Vexer to hold off on relocking the map and try to find time tomorrow to redo the Flag Map. My main concern is to only meet the concerns mentioned and to not have the map unlocked for any long period. I would not want to remake the main map territories as separately coloured territories, that was never the intention for this map, it is this design, my design and differs a lot from the old one in many unique ways and was meant to just be a good looking game map of the UK. I feel with the assistance of Vexer & Fendi, it achieved this and I would always be reluctant to keep anything of the old map except the much loved game-play.

Thank you all for your feedback which helped to develop this map and make it what it is.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
The_Bishop wrote:
Sorry Aeronautic, we didn't want to charge you with extra job now that the map looks finished. You already did so much and we thankful for that. The new version is IMMENSELY better than the old one, no doubts! But that flag map still is not perfect in my opinion. It's only a gap filler I know, it's a minor subject, sure, but still it's there and visible. I can understand you did lot of hard job on this map and probably you have not the forces anymore to look at that detail, as well as Vexer and Fendi. Plus Matty and myself are giving different directions since the thing is only getting more confusing. Myself indeed I am not sure of how I would want to change it. Since my proposal is: load the map as it is now, I am sure everybody will be ultra excited by seeing the new version! Eventually we'll keep in mind for the future that the "gap filler" can be changed or finalized better in some way that at the moment I don't know exactly. maybe after having played the new map some couples of times I will have clearer ideas.
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Virtuosity98 wrote:

Matty said:
Especially having the territory lines on the flag map looks weird.

I agree with this also. The map looks perfect otherwise.
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aeronautic wrote:
As promised, I made a new Flag Map to suit the concerns.
Is this what you wanted and should I upload it?
GB21 optimised (click to show)
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
The_Bishop wrote:
Weird for me. I liked the blueish-greyish version really. I cannot understand why you changed it. Or in any case it should be something with almost no color.

And I do think Surrey should be called London.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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aeronautic wrote:
Matty requested it and you both weren't happy with the territory lines or the split colours of England, so I corrected all that, as well as made it more textured, less dull and more of a feature, regardless of what I thought about the feature thing.
There are two conflicting views on this of which one of you has to be disappointed, let's see what Matty thinks about your suggestion of going back to how it was!

I have been over the territory names many times, London is a city, not a county or district, which is what this map scale calls for.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Vexer wrote:
Perhaps the flag map's purpose would be more obvious if the nations were labeled but I haven't checked to see if that even fits. I also think that it should be dulled, either the color or just by lowering the opacity of all it's layers.