I will try darkening the sea connection lines, but if they stand out too much, they will look false (added later).
I have tried sharpening the map albeit a little too much, but still, this is a sharper and bolder version of others that were submitted and the general opinion was that this was the better version.
See here for a sharpened sea connections version tonight.
In the meantime, I was about to say that extensive tests have been done recently with great success from 2p - 6p games.
More than 6 players on this map are just silly as there are too few troops to start and too easy to be virtually wiped out before your 1st turn. Whereas 6p is fine as you get 5 territories to start and nobody gets an unfair advantage.
The new connections are working very well and get a lot of praise for connectivity in fortification. They also allow multiple attack routes and even though there are many bonuses, they are now not so easy to hold and defend.
2 test games are still running a 3p DM (stalemate, but being played out to look for ways to overcome a stalemate) & a 6p DM, just slow coaches here, LOL.
I must point out that out of 15 test games and about 5 or 6 live games, there has only been 1 stalemate on this map version that I can remember and as I said above, that game hasn't actually been stopped and declared a draw game.
I am a little gutted that I won about 75% of the test games and they were point-less and I played a normal 4p Caps game and the dice absolutely annihilated my strategy.
I will try darkening the sea connection lines, but if they stand out too much, they will look false (added later).
I have tried sharpening the map albeit a little too much, but still, this is a sharper and bolder version of others that were submitted and the general opinion was that this was the better version.
See here for a sharpened sea connections version tonight.
In the meantime, I was about to say that extensive tests have been done recently with great success from 2p - 6p games.
More than 6 players on this map are just silly as there are too few troops to start and too easy to be virtually wiped out before your 1st turn. Whereas 6p is fine as you get 5 territories to start and nobody gets an unfair advantage.
The new connections are working very well and get a lot of praise for connectivity in fortification. They also allow multiple attack routes and even though there are many bonuses, they are now not so easy to hold and defend.
2 test games are still running a 3p DM (stalemate, but being played out to look for ways to overcome a stalemate) & a 6p DM, just slow coaches here, LOL.
I must point out that out of 15 test games and about 5 or 6 live games, there has only been 1 stalemate on this map version that I can remember and as I said above, that game hasn't actually been stopped and declared a draw game.
I am a little gutted that I won about 75% of the test games and they were point-less and I played a normal 4p Caps game and the dice absolutely annihilated my strategy.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.