the rigth/duty to turn in is just with 5 or more cards, isn't true?
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Vexer wrote:
Stop repeating yourself. We've heard all this before. You are wasting time we don't have. Every time you post that's 5 more minutes we don't have to fix the problem. Enough already. Wait for us to do some work with what has already been posted before posting again. We cannot keep up. Be respectful. You are being very inconsiderate at this point. This is borderline harassment of the programmers. Harassment is against the site's rules.
Matty wrote:
Well Vexer, they are helping, just not in the way they meant. A careful reader will note that they seem to be the kind of players who refuse to play well and get an advantage themselves, but instead want easy shots at some points.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
That's a bold statement Matty though you did soften it with 'seem to be'. This will likely fuel a debate and I so wanted this thread to go quiet for a couple weeks.

I also have had a suspicion that some of the players who have complained about the rule change are complaining because it takes away easy points for them when inexperienced players attempt a kill at the wrong time and leave a lot of easy cards on the table. But I haven't looked at any of their games so I won't make that accusation.
Matty wrote:
That's not what I tried to say, though I admit now that it looks like that.
What I mean is that once they come in a position where someone else does better, they do not say: ok, next time I need to play this and that differently, so that next time I will have that nice position.
Instead, they say (I think): ok, you have the better position, so now I just go and try, as I maybe can't get a really good chance of winning anymore, but still can get a somehow decent shot.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
Oh, I think I see what you are saying now. They are upset about not having the 0.5% chance of winning when using the default card rule. I think they should read one of your posts:

Axobongo wrote:
Spamf, let me thank you for volunteering such thoughtful commentary even if the admin volunteers wont (because it seems they complain that it sounds like complaints even tho we know its all about the love of D12)

Please try to appreciate that i am Volunteering also.
my time , effort, and deep thoughts here & making these comments, for the love of D12

Matty and Vexer i think you both are way off base, i would venture to say complaining and verging on harassment with such suggestions about 'easy kills' being ulterior motives , and ''the kind of players that refuse to play well''?? why does the personal attack have to come into it?
 Look at what we have sacrificed for the love of D12 and volunteering as we have to offer the feedback, and stay involved. Now our elite friends have started mudsling gossip . Sorry to have provoked defensive and cynical reactions from those who i have been either praising or having fun with until this strange turn of events. My respect for you all makes it hurt all the more.

Because the thread is so long, and because its really a community thats bigger than the inner circle, and because some points like the term 'advanced' was being rehashed, it seemed reasonable to me to offer a simplified comment , to be readable for new comers who take an interest, or by virtue that its an easier to grasp version of my assessment that is free of the emotions of the emotional letter i wrote before that unfortunately stirred the wrath from those most instrumental in making this change.
Vexer wrote:
Can't you see that you have stress us out? People aren't always on their best behavior when they are stressed.

I have only a few minutes a day to give you and you always ask for more by continuing to bring up this subject over and over again both here and in the chat. We said we were working on it now let us do our work and stop talking to us while we are trying to work. It's rude and breaks our concentration and uses up our spare time.
Axobongo wrote:
i understand, and wish you the best of luck,, gosh man, it must be hard working both on the D12 2014 roll out,,, AnD the Obamacare website roll out at the same time,,

Anyways my dear Vexer, may i recommend simply simplifying?
Just making it straight forward?
2 simple options ( we can handle it) .
   i suspect its too challenging to try and make something available yet deliberately less accessible or less tempting to access for novice players,,
,, available, yet unclear in explanation to avoid appealing to any but those already 'in the know' .

When all else fails, use the KIS system= 'Keep It Simple' .

its 2 card options, lets just admit it and get on with life.
Vexer wrote:
Nope, one requires more skill than the other to know when it's an appropriate time to make a kill and should be labeled as such, as I have previously said. Now you are making me repeat myself. You are in no position to judge this since you haven't played using the original rules. I have played more games with each setting that you have played total and have the rank to prove that I know what I am talking about. Furthermore, the rest of the staff agree that these two options are not equal. Our combined experience simply dwarfs yours. We just don't agree with you and your arguments are not changing our minds. Admit it and get on with life.

It is not too challenging to have one rule be advanced and the other not. All we need to figure out is how to display the information on the game page to make it more clear what the special settings are for that game. We have to figure this out anyway for the other feature we want to add.
Axobongo wrote:
i wish you would quit referencing your experience over mine, i have indeed played this game since i was a child, and in every other site out there, being newer to D12 than you does not diminish my experience as you want it to.

One problem you are facing currently puts the burden on me/us, because i have to now 'explain' to the public what 'advanced' or 'advanced cards' means, as for all they know it has more than just ONE meaning and i dont want people intimidated from joining games i create. (or confused) .

This is simply not efficiency.

Since you KNOW what is 'better' , why worry that the majority wont pick up on that ?You seem concerned the punters will overly choose the setting you blame for ~ a certain amount but not all~the suicide shots at winning you say only novices take.

Personally, i could easily view the new 5+ system as 'advanced' because one has to plan differently.

Dont make this 'personal' . i sincerely see an efficiency problem if you cant figure out how to simplify the solution to simply be 'clear' on the create a game page, and remove the password block.

And no matter what, having these 2 options is far and away smarter for the site than eliminating one of them.

but i dont care how you present it, as long as its efficient, and players dont have to rely on the info provided by other players to negotiate the site.
Dracarys wrote:
It is rare that I come across someone with a better troll game than me.

naathim wrote:
Eh, I try not to cause problems, but can we get the lock taken off the advanced rules turn in cards game. It's really annoying to have to invite everybody to get into the game.

I know you'll get to it when you get to it and you guys have lots of other things on your plates, but this doesn't seem like a huge deal anymore?

If you do decide to take it off soon, it might be a nice idea to put an explanatory phrase in the preset chat under the newbie help, like you do with caps. I don't see how this is really any different from that tbh.
Vexer wrote:
The 'lock' will be removed when we finish the new join game tab.