The current 12 best players on the site
  • 1368 posts
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Spartakus wrote:
Sorry guys and i didn't see this earlier, i meant on discussion and initiative UltrasPlot against "sametimers" (he call us like that) but i must responde him.. I must remmeber you that father of the same time team games was UltrasPlot but he left and stopped playing that set up (becose he was bad) ... and join hiere 9 April 2013, one year before you ultrasplot, and play all set up sametimes, Conecut, last 2 games 8 cap Conecut with you in game and winn, and i know that you are resented on me do not know nothing about me and i can say with confident I can still beat you if you want even if we play risk , monpoly, pinjata game :D and so take it easy provided that there are better players than you ;) On the end Matty , Vex, When will be next dominator game ? :)
UltrasPlot wrote:
more like people that solely play sametime

my win ratio in ST is actually pretty good, I quit stt because it ended up being a clickfest (I'd still be open for small map stt if BETA doesn't disappear every two months)

also im fairly sure my record on you is positive for consec games (vex check this please I'm not too sure)

also I have nothing against BETA / Hood / epic because at least they know how to win a muzitals without relying on a 6 card double turn in

Spartakus wrote:
ultrasplot: ""my win ratio in ST is actually pretty good"" And one more thing: When UltrasPlot (and Beta realy nice guy ;) ) start same time team games they farm us "same timers " few month, i lose 2400 until i learn , then few of us learn how to beath him in that same time team games and UltrasPlot start lose point then he left that "clic-fest" (he call him like that even that was his "child")and start yeling on us on all voice :) if winn i get 12 pts from you, if i lose you get 35 pts from on the end i think you farm me, and you get far more pts from me then me from you in all... it's time do stop provoke me on the every step ;)
UltrasPlot wrote:
well well well almost all settings turned into a game of speed when we figured out how it was supposed to be played

so I quit

what's there to flame over
Spartakus wrote:
Before start that set up same time team i told Beta that will be crazy :) never mine .... Merry Christmas Ultras be nice this year i hope we can talk about other nice things for example: History ;) 
SpamFree wrote:
I haven't see a list for awhile.

I wonder how many even know this thread exists ;)

Congrats all. Have fun :pirate:

Vexer wrote:
Here are the dominating 12 for Jan 2015

1 nikeboix69
2 slackbatter
3 maafi
4 BrewDog
5 menick55
6 zocpoc
7 davidechko123
8 4960epic
9 Sygmassacre
10 descarado
11 Muzthebus
12 hooboy11

Congratulations nikeboix69 for reaching the top. Your reward will be getting to choose the game settings for the Dominator game where some of the top 12 will fight for the title of dominator.

Here is the full list. To make it on the list you have to have played at least 30 games, currently be in a game or have finished a game in the last 15 days.
PsymonStark wrote:
One question... why do we have basics with 3.5k points? Maybe unranked players need to be updated.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
emjaydee wrote:
20th. Wow. Never thought I'd get that close. Most of the good players must have taken a break :D