Blank ranks
  • 106 posts
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maafi wrote:
I was only thinking of you when I suggested it Syg.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
tramadol wrote:
"Chief Whiskey Operative" you mean Sygma?
"2nd Prescription" tramadol.
Sygmassacre wrote:
The way im running it will be "Private Bartender" Sygmassacre soon.
Btw, I have no objection to hiding ranks per se but its cool to see others progress through the ranks and sympathize with those who fall back down the order
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
cbt711 wrote:
I think hidden ranks is no where near as misleading as people abusing same time games for rank, personally. There should be (but won't as I realize the pain in the *** it would be) a completely different rank setup for same time heroes.

A guy that just started in May made captain playing nothing but 1 v. 1 same times. Kinda deflates my motivation, but I realize that's a very selfish and myopic stance only thinking of my perspective vs. a niche group of players. Human nature I guess.
Matty wrote:
1. You can realise that all good players (whether or not they sport a captains rank) know you and respect you because they know you more than earned yours.

2. For a long time already I plan to add a warning for unfair combinations, like same-time capitals and same-time live games. However, I'm not entirely sure on how to do that right now (although with the new join game tab it might actually be possible now).
(Also, if you have more combinations that are totally unfair unless all players fully realise what it means, message me).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
SpamFree wrote:
This is getting far more complex than it needs to be.

The "Join Tab" makes many of these things easy enough. Just use "tool-tip" type pop-ups that summarize the game settings when you hover over the setting names and be done with it.

I'm actually torn on the "Join Tab" as it is, due to it being a bit annoying to not just join the stupid game in one step. Maybe a profile setting to turn on/off Join Tab 2-step.

It comes down to people being responsible enough to read the game settings and look at profiles, if they are worried about such things. Enough with the babysitting.

If not, just play and have fun :D

Matty wrote:
But if a newbie joins a same time game he will not know exactly what it is and he might not realize how incredibly unfair that is.

Which is why ppl can get massive amount of points with same time live capital games. Just know the glitches and abuse them.

Once I get to implement the CGP colour thingies, the amount of clicks will be exactly the same again (as a matter of fact, it allows me to set a favourite colour, meaning it will have a click less than before).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
SpamFree wrote:
I often fall into Same Time games by accident. It happens. So what?
My fault for not paying attention, but I still play to win it.

So worried for noobs and old-timers, but nothing for the middle-class :(

tramadol wrote:
I don't believe suggestions on the forums are focused on making things difficult for any one player, they are focused on making a better site for the majority and helping new players learn, enjoy & stay at D12.

If I chose early on not to take on rank for whatever reason, I don't think I would try to make everyone be like me or even consider my motives to be right & true, it is kind of like one Welsh speaking man trying to persuade the 3000 English speakers in his town that his language would be the best to speak.
So when people use examples and reasons that we all forget about, due to us not being overwhelmed by the site and its procedures, to make it easier for new players to understand and not be deceived or put off in any way, they should always be thought about as if in the new guys shoes.
cbt711 wrote:
I'm a big fan of the join tab as it provides you with everything you could want to know about the game you're about to play. And if you want to join fast without reading it, it's just two clicks instead of 1 click. I mean that is not by any means a burden.

I vented about same time ranks being inflated imho, but still indicated I know it's a selfish point of view and one that does not need to be addressed, I was just getting it out there. I could obviously learn the same time game as well as I know the regular turn games and boost my rank as easily as those I was complaining about... but it's just not as fun to me. There are a lot of suggestions and complaints that are similarly only focused on the poster's lone perspective and not the good of the entire site. I'm very happy with the changes and improvements this site has done. Yeah a lot gets seemingly ignored, but a lot gets done too.

This coming from a guy that had to redraw a map 37 times, mind you. 
SpamFree wrote:
In the course of a discussion I had with seguin (brought on by Numbskull's trolling a few of my games harassing me about "hiding" my rank), seguin mentioned turning off rank, which made me wonder.

Why not make rank an optional setting that can be turned "on" or "off", at will, as the user so chooses, similar to the way colorblind settings are applied now?
Then the people who want to display rank can and those who choose not to, do not. This way anyone dissatisfied with his/her initial, misguided choice to buy rank can return to "Unranked" status and those who feel they are being targeted due to their rank could likewise disable its display.

SpamFree wrote:
"then no one will show their rank" You say it like it's a bad thing. Sounds fine to me :)

"suiciders everywhere" How is that any change from now?

tontot wrote:
WOW this is still going on?

Let's throw something NEW.

How about the creating game has an (optional) option to select Minimum Rank (similar to Minimum Points).

So people does not like to play with "Unranked" players can set that option :D