Blank ranks
  • 106 posts
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SpamFree wrote:
@tontot, that's an interesting idea i have not heard mentioned anywhere before.

tontot wrote:
To me, points in D12 are similar to Elo in Chess.
Should be public

Then the player rank can be based on points something similar to this for chess

If you can show the progress (+/-), how many games play since the last official list (1st every month for example), it will be better. So people will see who are active, who make the most progress (aka Caruana / Karjakin in chess), who simply does not play but still have lots of points due to past success(aka Anand in chess)
Vexer wrote:
It appears there was a problem with some ancient code in the Upgrades section that was preventing players who were unranked from buying a rank and actually having it show up. It has been fixed.
SpamFree wrote:
Displaying rank points seems redundant given that current skill level are more indicative of overall play as opposed to fickle nature of rank points.

lifeinpixels wrote:
At the same time, though, players who have played more games have a much easier time getting those high skill levels. Take Matty, for example, who is probably better than most top ranked players yet only has a skill level of 57.
tontot wrote:
The main down size of skill points is that it is assuming the same player will have the same skill for every game he plays which is NOT true.

For example, player A is an officer and player B is a newbie (basic).
Player A and player B plays a lot together at the beginning and player A "conquers" player B.

10 months later, player B gets better and now becomes a colonel (while player A is still a sergeant). They do not play with each other any more. At this point, player B may have much more points than player A but the skill points of player A may still higher than player B due to the past "conquering" history (when player B just joined the site)

Hey, player B may well be Matty and player A will be any one in the below list
SpamFree wrote:
It seems clear that to get a truer picture (or at least a better guess) of ability and/skill of an individual player requires both rank points and skill points, but even that is only a very rough idea. Past performance is not always indicative of future results.

In actuality, as a bare minimum, separate skill level metrics by gametype and game settings are the only way in which suitability for a given game can even be reasonably predicted, maybe displayed in the form of a bar graph by skill points in a particular setting and/or gametype. Even this does nothing to compare play-style that may be more or less successful in a given match-up and could possibly lead to other scales or metrics, for example: aggressiveness-patience, percentage of Capitals all-or-nothing moves (perhaps as determined as even or fewer troops attacking a Capital), percentage of stalemate games, etc.

I think the system as it stands has worked well enough, and further changes to "improve" it only serve to muddy the waters to the point of utter meaninglessness.

I still don't get why whether or not I or anyone else chooses to display a rank or not makes any difference to anyone else. There are already skill levels that are easily seen, password-protected games and minimum-point games to limit access to games. Use the multitude of tools already available. It isn't broke, stop "fixing" it.

MuzuaneAskari wrote:
I am sorry but I find this post very funny, because people who are witting here are very well-known players.

I mean, most of the times I don't need to see the players profile because I already know the players I am playing with, and if I don't know them, the profile it's just one more data, which I don't trust very much because I have seen players with more than 2000 points making some movements that ruined the game when they didn't have chance of winning. So I am talking in this post with people (who I already know how they play) about showing ranks because it will give information about player's skills.

Do Spam or life need to see my rank to know how I play? No, they don't. So finally, I think that the point it's that high ranked players want that other players with high rank show them not to be the only newbies's target. It looks like this is the point, just this.

There are easy solutions (the "not ranked badge" could be enough because if somebody come to our profiles and see our Standings can see our results with the players they know) but also using the chat: "That player has a higher rank. Watch out for him"

If we are really interested in getting useful info about the player, the ranks we would need are:

Same time/Turn order
2-3 players/4-5 players/6 or more

And even map-ranks
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
tontot wrote:
@MA, I think Vexer brought this topic because he argued that new players (just joined the site) may not know how to check profile and does not know they lose to a general (and an expert at that type of game).

For players around here long enough, they will know who hide their ranks without having to check the profile.
SpamFree wrote:
I'd say the odds of a noob stumbling into defeat by UnRanked Player is not nearly as high as stumbling into noobicide, at least early on. It seems many noobs get here to play with people they know. I did not know anyone here when I started but have often seen games (especially noob games) where all the players seem to know each other in real life.

I firmly agree with MuzuaneAskari that those are the minimum metrics needed to make reasonable guesses as to a player's ability in a given game.

I'm not sure why losing to UnRanked Player matters any more or less than losing against a noob or against a Ranked Player. If they lose and don't like it, learn to play or get used to it.

I've been asked occasionally about the black rank, at which point I refer them to this thread.

The rank system is not broken. Stop trying to "fix" it! 

Speaking of things that actually need fixed, any word on Advanced Cards password restriction or forthcoming Join Game improvements?

Vexer wrote:
Spam we have an entire thread about your last tiny question. Why do you keep posting about it here and there.

The restriction will be removed once the Join game tab is done.
tramadol wrote:
Let me talk differently for a moment if I may.
I will explain my reasoning before discussing details in long winded chat.
I do not give a hoot whether or not a player shows true rank or not, I have beaten many a General and lost to many a Basic, I do not speak for myself, I speak for those with no voice!
I don't read players reasons and motives without trying to see it from their point of view. I read it all, sometimes twice, to fully understand what they are saying and I only post to forum threads I either think I can make an improvement to the site with, that are relevant or that I created and have a duty to respond to.

Yes I understand all the personal reasons for not showing actual rank gained/maintained, but I don't agree with them. Unranked and Black rank badges are a tactic! Flying under the radar! No matter what is reasoned! If you say "why does it matter if I don't show it?", the very statement shows that you have no allegance to either argument and so you would have to accept "why does it matter if you have to show it?"
Why a tactic? (click to show)
The effect on new players (click to show)
Let's not just think of ourselves and who is right or wrong here or whatever your personal/implied reasons are, think how hiding rank and premium hurts the D12 site.
How it affects the D12 site (click to show)
Those with no voice (click to show)
The Dominators who didn't stay (click to show)
Procedures (click to show)
Dferguson wrote:
Tram, I read most forum topic and i agree with you hardheartedly I do enjoy hiding my advantage. This is a game about domination, and every advantage helps.

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War 

If you do not know the book where this come from, read it. Their are a mountain of qoutes i could use.

With that said, my last comment on this forum was clear (i thought) why the halfmeasure? This site let people decide what they wanted to do... now people are getting frustrated (even new players) and I agree that blows but its an allowable advantage. Now this installment of unranked players is in my eye good for only one reason, a stepping stone - to going auto ranked. if thats the case just do it. there will be more comments about how people love or hate it but once done you cant go back and people will move on (no point arguing over split milk).

I would rather stay as a basic and get my advantage, but does not matter a hole lot because i normally play with the same people and they know what to expect when the play me. I also talk my mind, sometime it gets me in trouble but I'm also always willing to help new players or experienced players learn. It would have more merit with a rank behind it... but whether people will take in my comments or just say I have a form of aspergers.

So my main point is this go auto ranked, cold turkey it. the people running this site have been fantastic and gaining other players inputs but some situations it good to have a all the power.    
maafi wrote:
Can you auto rank those who don't pay premium and give more choice (personalised ranks?) to those who pay? I doubt whether you'll lose any players and you will probably encourage more to pay premium membership.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
SpamFree wrote:
ooh personalize rank :D

That sounds interesting (as much as rank can be interesting anyway).