• 67 posts
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Rockbert wrote:

I am taking the rules straight from Blagoe_jovovic's previous capitals tournament for the sake of continuity.

-24 players
-24 capitals games played simultaneously
-4/6/8 player games with 24 different maps
-Games are free, players are manually entered
-8x4 player games = 3 points each
-8x6 player games = 5 points each
-8x8 player games = 8 points each
-Entry condition:Played at least 50 capitals games
-Classic settings

24 players for 104 capitals games played simultaneously.
4/6/8-player games on 24 different maps:

-- 8 x 4-player games = 3 points each
-- 8 x 6-player games = 5 points each
-- 8 x 8-player games = 8 points each

Games are free, players are manually entered.
Entry condition: having played at least 50 capitals games.

Donations welcome!

TimTheGreat - 2,000
Maafi - 5,000

Let me know if you are in!


1. Jacob24
2. Anuorre
3. TimTheGreat
4. Dominator3
5. Maafi
6. Mxdev
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Ryomyr wrote:
I'm out actually. Sorry. LOL ... personal record for a registration cancellation
The_Bishop wrote:
Hi everyone! I'm back from a long chess break, not yet completely over...
Rockbert handed me the scepter for running this tournament! :)
Only 6 registered atm, who else wants to participate?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.