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  • 16 Jul, 09:51 am
    anuorre: May he live, prosper and multiply!
  • 16 Jul, 09:51 am
    anuorre: All hail the king!
  • 17 Jul, 04:08 am
    Axobongo: ...because the world needs another Russia?
  • 17 Jul, 03:22 pm
    Crywolf: The sharpshooter was already of the killer, but was ordered to hold off by a higher person
  • 17 Jul, 03:22 pm
    Crywolf: * already aware
  • 17 Jul, 03:24 pm
    Crywolf: the sharpshooter got fired but not the person who said to hold off and wait
  • 17 Jul, 05:55 pm
    IrisPostTempestates: If anyone really knows what happened, it's being kept private. "Slanted roof too scary" and refusal to take accountability suggests worse than incompetence though
  • 17 Jul, 10:17 pm
    ttranbar: it is always something to lose so many in a row, no dice, no drop, no regions, just death lol
  • 18 Jul, 02:11 pm
    KramJ86: whens the next d12 rating occur? i have had a good run here and need it!
  • 18 Jul, 02:11 pm
    KramJ86: or rank rather
  • 19 Jul, 09:23 am
    BigBrain94: can anyone explain what 'advanced cards' means? tia
  • 19 Jul, 01:44 pm
    Hoodlum: If you kill someone for their cards and you get a set, you can trade even with 3 cards. eg: you have 1 red card. you kill a player who has 2 red cards. you can turn in those set of cards on that same turn
  • 19 Jul, 01:45 pm
    Hoodlum: instead of the standard, 5 cards you would normally need to be able to turn in a set after a kill
  • 19 Jul, 01:46 pm
  • 19 Jul, 07:16 pm
    BigBrain94: thank you!
  • 20 Jul, 06:01 am
    Axobongo: It’s a fun setting. However I never thought “advanced” was the best name for it. It may signify one can “advance” with a trade ? But it sounds like a setting for “advanced” players.
  • 20 Jul, 09:21 pm
  • 21 Jul, 12:36 pm
    Crossbones: I only got 38 seconds of notice before my turn was over that my turn had begun. What's wrong with this site??
  • 22 Jul, 02:53 pm
    SN007: yes bones thats frustrating, but my opinion is that players should stay in the game and not multi task. which makes turs taken faster
  • 22 Jul, 03:32 pm
    KramJ86: SN007 we have jobs!
  • 22 Jul, 03:32 pm
    KramJ86: we should prob focus on the jobs yes but come on!
  • 22 Jul, 04:12 pm
    SN007: i also have a job, and obviously i miss my turn when multitasking but thats the risk you take in my upinion
  • 22 Jul, 04:14 pm
    SN007: i still vote for shorter turns, at least the first 5 rounds.
  • 22 Jul, 04:15 pm
    SN007: i believe it will prevent missing turns orr maybe more turns will be missed?
  • 22 Jul, 04:15 pm
    SN007: but the games wil be faster
  • 22 Jul, 05:30 pm
    Axobongo: How fast would you like a game to last,, 10 min? 15 min? 
  • 22 Jul, 05:51 pm
    SHJENKE: a multiplayer gane may last 1.5 - 2 hours, but turns should be taken faster. its the waiting time that bouthers me
  • 22 Jul, 05:51 pm
    SHJENKE: players dont stay in the game and then you wait
  • 22 Jul, 05:52 pm
    SHJENKE: for me i have no problem with the 3 min turn
  • 22 Jul, 05:53 pm
    SHJENKE: but i agree with cross bones that the buzzer does not work all the time
  • 22 Jul, 05:54 pm
    SHJENKE: it is also hard to get a live multi player game
  • 22 Jul, 05:54 pm
    SHJENKE: i just enjoy the play
  • 22 Jul, 05:56 pm
    SHJENKE: also, there are no tournaments anymore, where is dreamstreet, we should have a champions cup. that was fun
  • 22 Jul, 05:57 pm
    SHJENKE: i don't know how, otherwise i would like to host a champions cup. But i need to know how first
  • 22 Jul, 07:48 pm
    Axobongo: It’s rare people join a game and don’t move and let the clock run. It’s also rare tote a multiplayer game
  • 22 Jul, 07:51 pm
    Axobongo: *to get a MP game) . I can study my long list of 5 min turn MP game logs , average turn time is exactly the same as 3 min turns
  • 22 Jul, 07:52 pm
    Axobongo: But it’s moot, because it’s near impossible to fill a a 4 p game now
  • 22 Jul, 07:56 pm
    Axobongo: But my question to SNOO remains a curiosity, how fast a game do you need,, 15 mins? Because a speedy game seems to be what the desire is
  • 22 Jul, 11:35 pm
    SN007: Axo, i would love to have turns taken faster, a two player game small map like world clasic and smaller 5 min. Lager maps world extended, france italy like 15 min for 2 player games
  • 23 Jul, 01:34 am
    Axobongo: ah,, 2p games , so very different than multiplayer games. MP Risk requires more complicated thinking that begins when one’s turn begins.
  • 23 Jul, 01:37 am
    Axobongo: of course it’s good to think before your turn begins, but it’s not until your turn begins that you know what you’re working with
  • 23 Jul, 10:54 am
    SN007: yes but if you prepare your moves its 90% of the work. most start thinking when their turn starts.
  • 24 Jul, 04:51 am
    Axobongo: So often, the person who’s turn comes just before yours changes your plans
  • 25 Jul, 02:03 pm
  • 25 Jul, 02:04 pm
    KramJ86: admins please take a look at this game. barbaro quits a team game after 2nd turn screwing me
  • 25 Jul, 02:04 pm
    KramJ86: take his points not mine
  • 26 Jul, 01:56 pm
    IwantYakutsk: The dice have not been realistic the last week or so. Attacking has been losing way more often than usual. Just mentioning it here in case anyone else has seen the same thing?
  • 26 Jul, 07:11 pm
    aholmberg13: Same for me. Losing like 1-9 when attacking pretty frequently for that last week or so.
  • 27 Jul, 03:58 am
    hoptou: Same
  • 27 Jul, 03:59 am
    hoptou: I found if you click a different attack it will then roll normal. If you just keep rolling you will stack off the whole column
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Gametype Cards Fog of war Fortification Turn order
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Displaying 1 game.
Players Game id
Gametype Cards Fog of war Fortification Turn order
2 Go to game 1492261
This gametype setting requires that you conquer a player's capital in order to defeat him.Capitals This card turn-in value means the value of the cards will go up each time someone turns in a set. The first set is worth 4 troops, then 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 and will continue to go up by 5 each additional time.Increasing This is a game setting. If turned on then you will not be able to see any territory that is not next to a territory owned by you. The log also will only show the start and end of turns.No A fortification setting that allows you to move only one time from one of your territories to another territory that is connected to it through a chain of territories that you own, without crossing any territories you do not own.Chained A turn order setting in which each player's turn is taken one after the other.Consecutive
3m3 minute turns
Toggle details
Map name:
This gametype setting requires that you conquer a player's capital in order to defeat him.Capitals
This card turn-in value means the value of the cards will go up each time someone turns in a set. The first set is worth 4 troops, then 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 and will continue to go up by 5 each additional time.Increasing
Card turn in:
With this option turning in a set after defeating a player requires 5+ cards.Normal
Fog of war:
This is a game setting. If turned on then you will not be able to see any territory that is not next to a territory owned by you. The log also will only show the start and end of turns.No
A fortification setting that allows you to move only one time from one of your territories to another territory that is connected to it through a chain of territories that you own, without crossing any territories you do not own.Chained
Turn time:
3 minutes
Turn order:
A turn order setting in which each player's turn is taken one after the other.Consecutive
No teams, everyone for themselves.Free for all
For each dice roll a number between 1 and 6 is randomly chosen.Original
27 Jul 2024
0h 8m 5s