1771: There will be tournaments in the future where you will earn more tokens. You can also earn up to 500 tokens for inviting a new player, if they play 25 games after being invited.
rubntug: I really really want players to get hooked. I want them to feel the way I felt on cc for that short amount of time. When I got those points it was like my loot, all of a sudden I saw a way of getting high rank. I was taking something that was someone elses every time I won. I don't know, I liked it.
I think our skill points are a more accurate judge of skill, and they can be fun at times. But the flaws are no instant gratification, can be daunting to think you have to win 20 or 30 more times against someone just to get their points, and a new player can come in, win 1 game perhaps but luck against a good player, then choose to never play that good player again.
So having to win 20 or 30 games is tough to look at, however it's meant so that if you aren't better than someone you just aren't better than them, so you aren't going to win those games. If you were better than everyone then naturally your games would start showing that.
Now a bad player or new player only has to win 1 game against a good player and they will have a tally against them at first. After winning that game they can blacklist that player or red flag them and refuse to play with that player again for the sake of keeping their points. Winning once against thaithai might earn like 500 skill points. So to keep those points, especially if you know you won't win again, it's best to not play thaithai again.
I think skill points are working well in this small community where we each play each other a lot, so our above and below totals become an accurate comparison of our skill. However with many people on the site there is a good chance you might only play someone once unless you like them. It happens sometimes where a game can be won by chance, or by the lack of skill in another player, or someone suiciding or whatever. Now when these things happen a player who shouldn't have won might accidentally win. If they don't play those guys again it doesn't have a chance to even out their score. So this is a problem as well, perhaps not too major, but avoiding games with a big player because you don't want to lose your points from being above him will be a problem.
The point system makes it so that a single game doesn't effect the overall score too much, so there is room for mistakes, and every time you play a game with people you are evening out your score to slowly equal your skill.
The point system also not only fulfills that instant gratification but it gives you an immediate goal that you can try for and calculate. Nobody understands the skill points except for a few people, and trying to explain the skill points is quite difficult and would take a detailed description.
I can't think of any way to merge points and skill points or battle points. I'll keep pondering this. I'd like to figure out something before november, I plan to do some big advertising then.
1771: There will be tournaments in the future where you will earn more tokens. You can also earn up to 500 tokens for inviting a new player, if they play 25 games after being invited.
rubntug: I really really want players to get hooked. I want them to feel the way I felt on cc for that short amount of time. When I got those points it was like my loot, all of a sudden I saw a way of getting high rank. I was taking something that was someone elses every time I won. I don't know, I liked it.
I think our skill points are a more accurate judge of skill, and they can be fun at times. But the flaws are no instant gratification, can be daunting to think you have to win 20 or 30 more times against someone just to get their points, and a new player can come in, win 1 game perhaps but luck against a good player, then choose to never play that good player again.
So having to win 20 or 30 games is tough to look at, however it's meant so that if you aren't better than someone you just aren't better than them, so you aren't going to win those games. If you were better than everyone then naturally your games would start showing that.
Now a bad player or new player only has to win 1 game against a good player and they will have a tally against them at first. After winning that game they can blacklist that player or red flag them and refuse to play with that player again for the sake of keeping their points. Winning once against thaithai might earn like 500 skill points. So to keep those points, especially if you know you won't win again, it's best to not play thaithai again.
I think skill points are working well in this small community where we each play each other a lot, so our above and below totals become an accurate comparison of our skill. However with many people on the site there is a good chance you might only play someone once unless you like them. It happens sometimes where a game can be won by chance, or by the lack of skill in another player, or someone suiciding or whatever. Now when these things happen a player who shouldn't have won might accidentally win. If they don't play those guys again it doesn't have a chance to even out their score. So this is a problem as well, perhaps not too major, but avoiding games with a big player because you don't want to lose your points from being above him will be a problem.
The point system makes it so that a single game doesn't effect the overall score too much, so there is room for mistakes, and every time you play a game with people you are evening out your score to slowly equal your skill.
The point system also not only fulfills that instant gratification but it gives you an immediate goal that you can try for and calculate. Nobody understands the skill points except for a few people, and trying to explain the skill points is quite difficult and would take a detailed description.
I can't think of any way to merge points and skill points or battle points. I'll keep pondering this. I'd like to figure out something before november, I plan to do some big advertising then.