Prevent card-sitters
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HammerTime wrote:
Those who have been here for some time an are active..get to know players who have connection issues..from playing games with them,and seeing them loose con at any given point of a game...just as we know those who say *i lost con* and we know their full of sh..t...and i know more who are full of it compared to those i know with bad con.
Luck,is the defining factor of a good strategy
elysium5 wrote:
How about just have a missed turn/add time abuser report option under the report tab so at the very least it can affect a players fair play score?
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
cbt711 wrote:
Sorry I'm late.
Best solution in my opinion, person with 5 cards has the same penalty as anyone ever does for missing a turn. They don't get to place their troops. That's it. Simple.

So when you miss your turn with 5 cards, the computer turns the cards in for you, then that value of troops is added to your next turn. If you are there to take it, then you have the same troop number you would have, just one turn later.

This does a few things. If someone runs the board, they don't benefit from someone having bad internet and grabbing 5 cards that shouldn't be there. If someone runs the board, they DO however benefit because the person that missed their turn didn't place all those troops. But that is what happens when you miss turns as is, so no change to game play at all.

Matty's case: player you want to kill has 4 cards, you have 5, you miss turn - now it turns your cards in for you, holds those troops for your next turn, you now have 2 cards. The next turn that player has 5 cards. You place the troops waiting from missing turn, kill him for two turn ins. Matty suggests this is still a good strategy. Well, I counter that - A. If you place your troops last turn, or this turn, the other guy still has 5 cards and you still get two turn ins killing him. B. If you hadn't missed your turn, you actually would have ended up with 8 cards with a kill instead of 7. 

So it doesn't change the gameplay. And the game log should say, player missed turns, player turns in card, card, card for X number of troops. So everyone knows that it is pending. It might make him a target, kill him or her before they come back and place all those troops. But it won't screw the game up anymore than it would have. Consider them sitting there with 5 cards AFK, THAT always screws up a game way more leading almost certainly to double turn ins when killed.

This also keeps the card bonus moving forward, so other players' plans for the game are unaffected. Just my two cents. Sorry for the novel.
Cireon wrote:
I don't think in this case you should get your troops next turn. Not only does this add additional administration to the code (believe me, it's horrible), but it also makes it really easy to abuse this system. You can delay your kill one turn without penalty, because you won't have five cards, so you won't be a victim for people wanting to kill you for five cards.

I think there is no good solution to solve this altogether without difficult implementation challenges. Every solution will have other ways to abuse it anyway. If you're worried about this, don't play people with low attendance scores.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
cbt711 wrote:
For the record, the player wouldn't and shouldn't have 5 cards that round, so I don't see how it's an advantage or changes the gameplay at all. And it's not an advantage at all as they lose a card, and their normal turn bonus. The ONLY advantage would be you get to see one more turn worth of movement before placing. That's a minimal effect on the game. It also gives everyone else one more turn to block a weak enemy or set up to kill you.

BUT - wholly agree it would suck to code :)
aeronautic wrote:
because you won't have five cards, so you won't be a victim for people wanting to kill you for five cards.
I see Cireon's point here, you could be a target for 3 cards after turning in and just miss the turn so you go down to only 2 cards available if anyone tries to kill you (you are no longer viable for cards), but you still get to put your troops on that you would have had and maybe even go after somebody that now has 5 cards.

Open to abuse.

(Edit): So that there's no confusion in how I explained that, You have 5 cards, if you turn in and make a kill you finish the turn with 3 cards. If you miss the turn, you turn in for the current value and only show 2 cards available so you may not be a viable target now, then you get your troops on the start of your next turn and could even go after somebody who was forced to 5 cards, which would not have been available to you in the previous turn, because you may have been killed for your cards.
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