*edit* includes discussion of the resign button
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Vexer wrote:
I too had come up with the idea to hide the resignation in fog caps games. What exactly would be wrong with that? I can make it look like they took their turn in the log since in fog it only shows that you started your turn and then ended it. When in reality they missed their turn and will be kicked the next round. It seems like that would be better than waiting 10 minutes for them to go neutral.

I'm probably not the right guy to ask about where to start for programming. I'm sure google knows about a page that someone has put together about it. I can tell you what languages you would need to know for this site: HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, mysql.

SpamFree wrote:
@Vexer, In my opinion, functionally, in Fog Capitals games, the Resign button Hierarchy of Horrible goes a bit like this:

1. "Resign" as it now stands, is BAD, for Fog Capitals anyway, because as I've mentioned earlier in this thread, it reveals potentially game-changing information that can result in a feeding-frenzy of possibly suicidal attacks that takes the advantage from a player who may have devoted substantial time & resources to put the resigning player into the losing position, ripe for the kill and opening up that news of the player's imminent demise to everyone, subverting the very purpose of Fog. Once the resignation is announced there is only a short window of opportunity for the cards & troops to be captured by anyone.

2. "Instant Resign" makes the resign button even worse by, again, depriving the player who devoted time and resources to defeat the resigning player of ANY chance of reward for his/her efforts.

3. "Hidden Resign" being the ABSOLUTE WORST, as it takes the worst aspects of the prior 2 options and potentially increases the time and resources a player could devote to killing a foe who unbeknownst to him/her, may be gone in a turn or 2 at the most, thereby wasting that time and those resources for nothing. In a case where the weakened opponent is across the map from the aggressor, potentially substantial resources can be devoted to killing an enemy who then vanishes without any possibility to reinforce their own capital, leaving them also ripe for the kill, and a potential target of noobicide.

The "resign" button, in Fog Capitals, changes the strategic nature of the game itself for the worse for the sake of expediency (SEE: Rule #7).

Vexer wrote:
I came across an interactive website for learning to code that would be very helpful.


I would start with php, and html/css then javascript. That site doesn't have anything for mySQL but you can get the syntax for that (and a bunch of other languages) here:

SpamFree wrote:
@Vexer Excellent!

I've heard of http://www.codecademy.com/ but had never been there. Seems interesting.

I've also looked at other tutorials etc., back in the day, at http://www.w3schools.com but I seem to recall that some of the info was not always the most current, but should be a good starting point.

Thanks, and have fun :)