Why is this not an option?
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periwinkle wrote:
on the site landgrab (sign up and find out for yourself what they do)...they assign everyone's tert with 1s. then everyone has 24 hours to place how many troops you want on your terts. you can only see what you have done and no one else....and yes this is done at the same time i believe (it's been a few years...so going by memory)  yes, you can dump all your troops into one tert. then after the 24 hours has passed the game starts and you can see where everyone placed their troops. 
dough_boy wrote:
Hmm...so if you are waiting for the game to fill up, it fills up, but you are not around the 24 hours to place your additional troops, what happens then? Just evenly places?
periwinkle wrote:
Hmm...so if you are waiting for the game to fill up, it fills up, but you are not around the 24 hours to place your additional troops, what happens then? Just evenly places?

I dunno...I didn't try it out. I was only there for 3 months early in my risk gaming career.  You can try it and let us know what happens.
dough_boy wrote:
No thanks...I am happy with D12...and it doesn't interest me that much to give my info out. LOL
vorple wrote:
My concern is that it would become first in and they could set the troops all in one region, 1s where needed rest stacked for defense.
Right so, I agree with that concern, I believe there should be a limit set on the number of troops you can place. Meaning players maybe have only 5-10 troops they can place, then the rest are randomly added.

How do you prevent someone from just dumping all on one territory? How do you make the game start at a decent time without placement? Can people change after they see what others have placed and where?

Dumping all into one territory may not be an issue, thats more of a strategy I'd say. There would be positives and negatives to this for the player.

There would be a set time limit where players can place their troops, if the player doesn't place troops their troops would be placed randomly.

I would say no so choose wisely, ideally there would be fog so players wont know who placed what where.

Rockbert wrote:
This is an interesting topic, especially since the board game requires each player to place their troops individually. I for one am happy with D12 as it is. I would not be in favor of this change personally, or at least, I would hope that if it came it would be an option and not the standard. I say that because I think that would be a logistical nightmare for the programmers and for players it would be hard to get everyone to place their troops before a game starts. Maybe better for a same time game format? I could see it working there I suppose. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in. :)
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
I kind of like the aspect of randomness as well, makes it easier for players with a low skill level such as myself :roll:
Eat my dust.