for all you in the US, what do you think of the results?
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MuzuaneAskari wrote:
I don't know very well the US laws but I would find very strange that you could vote if you are 14 (as you said in other post), but then I remembered the votes your grandfather had in Florida in 2000 and I don't have any reason to think you are lying
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
westchester wrote:
Also I like how romney likes to eliminate the taxes, it puts the country in less debt, and obama believes in abortion, he made a mess and put us into great debt, I know some republicans too lazy to vote. if these people voted romney would have won.
Crystal wrote:
westchester, how can george w bush be your grandfather? his only grandchild is still a baby?
westchester wrote:
Romney >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Obama. Obama has put the country into great debt, and debt is the highest now. We need a republican to at least get rid of some of the debt, and put it back together. Obama has spent too much, and he has raised taxes too much. We really need a republican to come in, to spend less, and lower the taxes so more people will work and pay taxes, so the country can get in less debt. Vote for the smarter person :) Obama is also spying on phone calls and reading emails. I can't believe these people who love obama. He is also very pro abortion. Some people think: lets get another democrat in to put us in more debt. No the USA is suffering in TOOO MUCH DEBT.
Thorpe wrote:
LOL...We really need a president that is not a puppet...Republican or Democrat.
Obama just lets you know what he is doing to us and says  "SUCK IT UP"

"The Republic" is DEAD! Long live the U.S.S.A.!!!!!

Question for you many choices for president the last time?
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
westchester wrote:
Obama, Romeny, Stein, and another person (don't remember the name) but almost nobody votes for the independent, its either democrat or republican.
urgul wrote:
Idaho should secede...
they're insane there and im sure they will be happier not under obamas rule
Thorpe wrote:
And westchester that is why it will never for the best ...not the lesser of two devils...satan's secound in command is still bad. Vote for someone who will and does what they have said they would do.

So it will never change...long live the U.S.S.A.

5 people ran this time...7 people the previous time
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
I would vote for any shock-jock!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next