Your opinion
  • 22 posts
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Holt wrote:
By the way 1771 love having you as a consultant because you are so good at explaining to people the problems in less literal terms. Glad to have you back buddy..
Leedog wrote:
Interesting conversation. One way to have people not so concerned about losing rank and playing "throw away" games, would be to consider, if you want the rank of Warrant Officer or higher... need to be a member. If you want to play on the 5 most challenging maps... need to be a member. Want permission to have multiple accounts (though, those accounts can't play each other)... need to be a member. Want to help create maps with the map makers... need to be a member.

Should also be a super special map that only administrators, programmers and map makers could play on (could invite other "regular" players to play on that map) just as a special bonus for the great work they do.

People who just play the World Map and aren't really concerned about rank... probably are not inclined to be a member. Others who would like perks that the rest can't access just might be inclined to pay the annual fee.

Keep in mind server costs, domain name and other fees add up and more money brought in only helps the cause!
Leedog wrote:
Just in case I wasn't clear in my statement... "member" was referring to premium member who paid the annual fee.

And after seeing Creions (may have spelling wrong... sorry)from another post, password protected games comes with premium membership.

Just my thoughts.
Joca wrote:
@ Holt: I have two acc's. Lider (created 22nd May, i think) and this one Joca (1st of August).

@ 1771: From all the people here, think you have most lingustics/psychologists' skills to explain something, if you know what i mean. Thank you i really appreciate your reply. Hope you gonna get back your stuff "rank".

1771 wrote:
Thank you my friend, I do look forward to playing you. You definetly sound like a worthy opponent. Plus I do like your style, a go getter, can't beat that, especially in war. Also working on the rank thing can be a slow process sometimes, others not. Went up two ranks today, but sitting right on the edge, so I need a good win to secure that.
BrewDog wrote:
My thoughts. I couldn't stand only having five games at once, usually 4 with a spot saved for live games. I had two options, make one or more accounts to acrue more games, or buy premium. I like this site, spend a decent amount of time on it and figured it was worth $2.08 per month for the premium membership. I did it solely out of respect for the site owner and those who put in the time to make this site work and work well.
killrick wrote:
well this sure has been a fun post to brows thru.
i got to go with 1771 on this one ( pick an account and toss the outher) its only fair to the site and its patrons.
just start up an account with the name killkillrick as rickskiller is already taken by my mother-in-law
dont worry about breaking records and just have fun.