Official sign ups and other related info
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Crywolf wrote:
Im reserving this post for editing and others information that is soon to come out for the upcoming game.
BTW- Anyone can join, no experience necessary. If you are interested in this, look for the thread titled "To Mafia Players" in the Off Topic Section for basic info about the game. Message me if you have any questions at @Crywolf


The game will start once we reach 6 people, or more but I will have a sign up countdown once we reach 6 people. I have decided to make the game 4 turns long= 4 days, with a the Night turn being 1 phase, and the dicussion/lynching phase 3 turns to accommodate for this game being online
New Mafia game coming
Crywolf wrote:
i am cruising 1/12/25 - 1/18/25
we can definitely get the game started and finished by then-- just 2 more ppl!
New Mafia game coming
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i cruise out of Mobile, AL to the Caribbean with 20+ family members. and then a 12 day in Feb. cruise across the Atlantic to Europe by myself plus 8 days in France (Normandy beach)..
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
Sounds freeing. Reminds me of the the cruise ship mafia game with multiple weapons.
Crywolf wrote:
Sign Ups are still open!
We just need 2 more people to start, and more can join before I close the sign ups
New Mafia game coming
2ofclubs wrote:
i am cruising 2/7 - 2/20 and will not have internet
Have fun!!!!!
Crywolf wrote:

More can join, and the game will start once everyone is ready
New Mafia game coming
Crywolf wrote:
sorry but i am out until 2/28/25
yep no worries, once everyone is ready

If I get someone to replace you for this round, I am willing to host several of theses since each game only takes 4 days, and you can join the second one or third
New Mafia game coming
2ofclubs wrote:
Continue to deliberate, we don't have hung jury's here in Mafia land.