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- Posted: 11 months ago
- Modified: 10 months ago
Post #1
it has been suggested that we leave the sign up open long enough to get 12+ players and that this game be fairly simple so as to maybe attract and retain some new players - well then - so be it.
signup will be open for 3 weeks, until May 2. the game forum will then open and the game mechanics will be published. you may then discuss strategy if you want to from a town perspective since role assignments will not be handed out until i get back from my cruise on May 12. additional players may still signup until May 11.
this will be a basic mafia game with 20 - 30% of the players mafia or neutral and the rest town. the mafia team will have 1 kill attempt per night starting on night x. town will have at least 1 investigator and 2-3 other roles/special abilities (doctor, distractor, sheriff, ??? ). win clauses will be made public.
comments or suggestions are welcome
1 - @Crywolf
2 - @Rockbert
3 - @Jacob24
4 - @LizardMagpie
5 - @2ofclubs
6 - @ThickTalon
7 - @Abs
8 - @Dogbreath
9 - @Bluegoetz
signup will be open for 3 weeks, until May 2. the game forum will then open and the game mechanics will be published. you may then discuss strategy if you want to from a town perspective since role assignments will not be handed out until i get back from my cruise on May 12. additional players may still signup until May 11.
this will be a basic mafia game with 20 - 30% of the players mafia or neutral and the rest town. the mafia team will have 1 kill attempt per night starting on night x. town will have at least 1 investigator and 2-3 other roles/special abilities (doctor, distractor, sheriff, ??? ). win clauses will be made public.
comments or suggestions are welcome
1 - @Crywolf
2 - @Rockbert
3 - @Jacob24
4 - @LizardMagpie
5 - @2ofclubs
6 - @ThickTalon
7 - @Abs
8 - @Dogbreath
9 - @Bluegoetz
Live long and prosper