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Hoodlum wrote:
There goes ur backstab abs lol, clubs didn't save ya.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
2ofclubs wrote:
I even knew ABSs name. And didn't steal from him like I didn't from KC.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
lynch votes
abs - 2 - hood. cw
no lynch - 1 clubs
did not vote - 1 - abs

abs is dead
Spoiler (click to show)

jacob was inactive for night 7 and day 8 and has passed over to the other side and is no longer a ghost. his remaining items (if any) have been randomly placed in rooms

ghost and can not vote - 3 - blue, kc, rock
dead and have moved on - 3 - thick, npat, jacob

give me about 10 minutes to set up rooms
Live long and prosper
Hoodlum wrote:
Clubs did the honorable move
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
Rockbert should be here, Abs sabotaged the game yesterday and today.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
im in the sportsdeck with 2 ghosts. 2 items.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
2ofclubs wrote:
We are in the library - no ghost - 4 items
So Thick sacrificed himself leaving you items.