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2ofclubs wrote:
THANK YOU TENNESSEELOGMAN. You always get special treatment :P
GG All
I was think 4+ Mafia and was wrong having Irispost as Reporter.
Exceptional job New Bees.
Thank you hope you all enjoyed the shuttle bus through the gauntlet to airport flown by Rcomer727. Please choose fly with us on your next trip.

Tough decision:
I vote Thick as MVP - He started with wise level head, then semi quietly took over as acting mayor keeping the TOWN safe and rid it of the Scum.
2ofclubs wrote:
TH 21:45
Jacob24 said:
07 Nov 2023, 21:45
Good chat overall. Hopefully my only regret from my first game will be winning too quickly.
LOL. ;) 
Jacob24 wrote:
My vote for MVP is 2ofclubs. Too humble to vote for himself but he deserves it. Mada, Thick, and Blue were all pivotal to the win due to their abilities, but clubs spearheaded the effort in the thread and in our board meeting and would have led us to the win even if he was just vanilla town in my opinion.
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
ThickTalon wrote:
Great work patient town..

Clubs lead the post count and the charge. Great work.

Thank you so much TLM, it helps to have a seasoned vet such as yourself to keep us rolling with games. You deserve a Neutral role that you cannot be killed next game for 4 days:)

Thanks to the new players. Hope you are hooked.
Madagascarter wrote:
Well played guys. Perhaps a bit to many inspection abilities made the game tough for mafia, Even 2 inspectors gets a lot I've discovered. But there was nice variety in the roles which was cool.

Shoutout to Iris & Jacob who look like very fun additions to these mafia games. I like the strategies you both employed with your detective work and I'm excited to play with you again in future games. Especially my War of Moving Cities one I plan on hosting in December.

TLM asking for special treatment? When he first joined mafia he had the neutral role 3-4 games in a row lol. 
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
KC321 wrote:
Also. We all know I’m MVP. Without my verification, NOBODY trusts 2oC
2ofclubs wrote:
Coffee Tea and donuts at my flat down the cobblestone lane past the Bobby shop lads.
Fyi I am backing down to 98% again so doubters have 2% excuse. :P